iPhone - anyone interested?


May 27, 2004
Bellevue, WA
I'll wait for the 'next generation'. I think Apple has always designed first class stuff, but they generally have a few major flaws ... no 3g on this unit is one of them. To be fair though, most of the phones that ATT/Cingular has introduced lately have also been 3g-less. I don't get this at all, but as a previous poster stated, maybe it's because the development pipleline for these phones predates the 3g feature.

I've had the cheapest ATT/Cingular Nokia phone that I could get, and as far as service goes, coverage was always superior with ATT/Cingular, so I'm not sure what so many folks are complaining about. Sure, under the 'old' ATT, customer service was horrendous, but I noticed significant improvement under Cingular. I've not had any real issues since that takeover. And coverage was the main reason I went with them. Way back before the earth cooled, ATT was virtually the only company with service in Alaska, where I travel quite frequently for business. Verizon had some coverage in Anchorage only, Nextel/Sprint/T-mobile had NOTHING. That's probably changed now, but with ATT I still get a DIGITAL signal in such urban areas as Sitka, Ketchikan, Juneau and Fairbanks, AK.

Sable, I'm not sure why you're having trouble with Juneau coverage on ATT, I've had good service there for years, at least at the airport and in the city proper. As well as the cities I mentioned above, several rural areas in upstate NY, and other places where Verizon was spotty and Sprint was DEAD.

I finish by saying that those who insist the iphone is a 'toy' and not for 'real professionals' should probably temper their remarks somewhat. What's professional or useful to you may not be the same as the iphone enthusiasts. I want easy to use email and voicemail on the road ... by all accounts the iphone is a worldbeater in these areas. I would also like web browsing when I need it, if only to get a business address/phone or see what's playing at the movies ... again, the iphone looks to be a hands-down winner, network speed notwithstanding (and this will hopefully be corrected soon).

Keep the reviews coming!


Newly Enlightened
Jan 22, 2007
Iphone does not work with Windows XP 64 or Vista 64. Apples advice "downgrade your operating system to 32 bit". Complete idiots!

Many people are not having any luck with activation, rendering the phone as useless. Apples advice "talk to AT&T". Good luck with AT&T.


Dec 22, 2002
Memphis, TN
I'll wait for the 'next generation'. I think Apple has always designed first class stuff, but they generally have a few major flaws ... no 3g on this unit is one of them. To be fair though, most of the phones that ATT/Cingular has introduced lately have also been 3g-less. I don't get this at all, but as a previous poster stated, maybe it's because the development pipleline for these phones predates the 3g feature.

Not exactly. The real reason is 3G consumes more power i.e. battery.
They wanted to maximize time before having to recharge. Until higher density batteries are available or until Apple allows consumer replaceable batteries this will remian Edge network capable. I imagine the next generation will have many features added that may include 3G or replaceable batteries.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2007
While I like some of the features and styling that Apple products have, they have never justified the price tag for me.
Add to that a little problem with iPhone not being compatible with 64 bit OS's, and some concerns already mentioned in this thread and it just isn't a must have item.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 22, 2007
Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel. So, you hate Apple and AT&T so much that you find it necessary to post verbatim in two threads? I answered your post in the other thread./quote]

And I answered yours in another thread! I never said I hated Apple or AT&T, those are your words. Please don't assume you know how I feel. I happen to own three PC's and two MAC's. This is important enough to know before people waste money and time, so it bears repeating whether you like it or not. According to Slashdot.com the Iphone will not work at all with 64bit Windows. :caution:
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 1, 2005
Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel. So, you hate Apple and AT&T so much that you find it necessary to post verbatim in two threads? I answered your post in the other thread./quote]

And I answered yours in another thread! I never said I hated Apple or AT&T, those are your words. Please don't assume you know how I feel. I happen to own three PC's and two MAC's. This is important enough to know before people waste money and time, so it bears repeating whether you like it or not. According to Slashdot.com the Iphone will not work at all with 64bit Windows. :caution:

Here is a quote from the apple web site regarding the specs.

Windows system requirements
PC with USB 2.0 port
Windows Vista Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, or Ultimate Edition; or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
iTunes 7.3 or later

I do not know a lot about Windows these days.
Are none of the Window's listed 64 bit?

It seems like a lot of variations of Windows are covered.

I do know if people try to register these phones without first opening a free iTunes account, they will not be able to register them. That is true whether the iPhone owner is using a Mac or PC.

Take Care,
mtbkndad :wave:
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Nov 5, 2005
No 3G is a killer on this one. So it has the internet at the same speed as my old PC 10 years ago with a 28.8 modem, great! Or the same as my cel phone 5 years ago, still just as great!

How they could have missed this is anybody's guess. There are two other deal killers, IMO. The bluetooth it has does not support A2DP.

This was a known issue because the chip to make that and other features was not available for this Gen 1 model. They have already started working on Gen 2 which resolves all those issues and adds a lot of additional features. This is way beyond anything you could have done 5 years ago....and like the iPod, it will gain traction with support and new developments. Nothing else on the horizon has these kinds of integrated features.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 22, 2007
I do not know a lot about Windows these days.
Are none of the Window's listed 64 bit?

It seems like a lot of variations of Windows are covered.

Take Care,
mtbkndad :wave:

The most common versions of Windows XP and Vista are 32bit and they are OK. You can purchase 64 bit versions of Windows and Vista as well, they do not work. The Apple site you mention makes no distinction between the versions. Just be sure you have a 32bit version. If you don't know what you have it is PROBABLY 32 bit.


Feb 14, 2006
Lil Rhody
I have att/Cingular..and have had no service issues...billing is another story. I originally was all hyped up about the iPhone...but decide to wait til the next version and went with the Blackjack instead. For the most part I love the Blackjack...and couldnt beat the price 75


Newly Enlightened
Jan 22, 2007
Could this be a problem for Iphone? Below quote from Tectonic site.

"The author of the the GPL is Richard M. Stallman, president and founder of the Free Software Foundation, and creator of the GNU Project. With his first revision of the licence in sixteen years, version 3 of the GPL fights the most recent attempts to take the freedom out of free software - most notably, version 3 attacks "Tivoization" - and that could be a problem for Apple and the iPhone."


Dec 6, 2005
New York City
I'm pretty sure the GPL does not matter to the iPhone as much as you think. The majority (maybe all) of OSX is covered under the BSD license which is a more commercial-friendly license. Interestingly enough, Microsoft uses some GPL code.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 22, 2007
According to the article I read, some of the Iphone elements are GPL. I guess you could do a google to find out what or check the above site.
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James S

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2002
on an island surrounded by reality
the single reason why it's limited to AT&T is because only AT&T agreed to both the service options apple wanted to offer and to make changes to their system to support things like the iPhones "visual voice mail". Verison and other carriers were approached and they laughed at Apple. So they went with AT&T. AT&T demanded a few things in the deal, if we go to all this work on the backend to support you then you promise us a certain amount of time being the only provider, and they agreed.

Thats all, there's the conspiracy ;)

As far as EDGE vs 3G, there are several theories, but the most obvious is that given the form factor they had to choose one or the other and they went with the one with the most coverage. Oh, and AT&T has been rolling out an update to edge which brings it up from modem speeds to 200k in most places. Or so I've been told. When I test it in town it's much faster than when I test it out at the house here. But at the house I use my WiFi network anyway. And mostly in town too, I was surfing on my iPhone from the free Wifi at Panera at lunchtime today :D

Email programs are fantastic. Fully featured, support imap and pop, so you CAN use them with Exchange if your IT department agrees to turn on imap support. There will be a lot of whining, you have to wait for someone in your company who outranks your IT manager to ask them to support it, then it will get done and all the fear mongering to the contrary will dissipate ;)

It's not perfect, and I"m sure there are things that will be addressed in software updates to follow. But it's SO much better than any other smartphone I've used in the past that it's worth it.

Still dont know how I'm going to get on the list of approved developers for it. But something will be done, just need to wait for a bit. IF I can answer specific questions about it and it's software support for folks please go ahead and post. I'll check back the thread later.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 4, 2007
Singapore, NY,SH,BJ
i played with the demo and i think the screen and ui is awesome. it's very clear and intuitive to use. very simple but simple also means it doesn't have many features.

my sony candybar has more features than this thing so i wont be getting it. edge is dog slow too. definitely not fast enough.


Sep 4, 2002
Shepherd, TX (where dat?)
My Nokia 6126 works QUITE well as a telephone. Pretty darn well as a Text Messenger. And plays music well but sounds less than stellar by where the music comes out.

I don't need no stinkin' email or web.

It will play MP3 and Wav for sure, but does not recognize WMAs.

It does pretty much what I want it to do.

I couldn't afford, and DO NOT WANT an I-Phone!

James S

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2002
on an island surrounded by reality
It's official. If you can read this then I can post to CPF via my iPhone. And the network just got a bump up to the 200k here too. What this means of course is that the corporate bathroom break just turned into a 30 Min browse CPF session! LOL... :)