Migraines *SUCK*


Mar 26, 2004
La Tiquicia
One hit me Saturday morning and I'm still not feeling "normal". I lost peripheral vision on my right eye for a bit, and then I saw like the "visual effects" that Windows Media Player displays. I've never been able to pinpoint any "triggers" - they just kinda hit me.

Anyway, I hit it early with a somewhat steady stream of Tylenol and Ibuprofen, plus my regular migraine med. Thankfully it's not the narcotic type, so at least I'm not completely knocked out. It's mostly gone right now, but I can still feel it looming in the background, dulled by the meds; my brain feels sore, if that makes any sense... :sick:

Migraines suck.


Feb 13, 2007
Brampton, ON
Ow. Hope it gets better soon.
Could it be stress or weather?

I've never had a migraine, but a lack of food gives me a really bad headache

Take care


Feb 21, 2003
Sorry to hear about that. I get migraine type headaches and end of taking too many Excedrin. If lucky, that does it, it not then I progress to prescribed stuff which just makes me feel crappy the next day. My daughter, Erin, has the real deal Migraines, and often come on while she is on the road consulting, which makes it doubly bad for her as she can't just fold up and take care of herself. For me alcohol in even small amounts can set me off, something about the enzynes in the alcohol, though I do not know the names of them. I have cut back, way back, on alcohol. Erin says that she thinks alcohol might set some of hers off, though migraines can come on with no know trigger.



May 1, 2002
Sorry to hear you get these!! I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy! My father had them and his father as well and I inherited them. Fortunately in the last few years I don't think I have had a full blown one. For me, I think stress and being in situations I didn't care for seemed to be very conducive for them. A "good one" would end up with a vicious cycle of dry heaves after anything left was blown with where I would have headache relief right after vomiting but then it would mount to a peak where I would then blow, literally, once again. At some point, exhaustion would take over and I would actually fall asleep and break the cycle. Next day I would be beat up and useless. I offer this info not that anyone would care but in support of my total agreement that Migraines Suck!!

BTW, I too can't consume any alcohol without a very likely bout with a migraine after. Been there and refuse to go there again.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 17, 2004
Unfortunately, I have had too much experience with migraines, as well.

My "bouts" were similar to Don's description. The "hangover" from the migraine is most uncomfortable and a reminder of what was.

I have been extremely fortunate as I haven't had any "attacks" for awhile. I believe that stress, caffeine and alcohol all contribute and so I don't drink. limit caffeine and try to remember that there is nothing so important that I need to "stress" about.

Please get better, soon and Best Regards,



Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 22, 2006
Ventura, CA.
I use Fiorinal when I feel a tension headache coming on..
It's all I need, just one makes me feel fine.
I have suggested this RX before in headache threads here and people have posted that it really helped..
it is a barbiturate, don't get addicted.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 18, 2006
I have finally found a medicine that works on mine every time. Zomig. Been a life saver. Perhaps it will work for you as well.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 3, 2004
Boston, Massachusetts
I called in sick to work today with an aweful migrain today.

** I fyou get grossed out... stopp reading here***


Worst part is that every time I cough (have kinda brincitius) it send a shap pain to my head. I'm wicked congested and lets just say the coughing mixed with the migrane and dizziness caused a lot of puking (BLAH BLAH)

Anywho..slept most of the day and it is much better now but know what you mean..I don't feel "right"... my eye was also affected as light was BRUTAL!

Does anyone know how to make them stop?!?!?!?!

One hit me Saturday morning and I'm still not feeling "normal". I lost peripheral vision on my right eye for a bit, and then I saw like the "visual effects" that Windows Media Player displays. I've never been able to pinpoint any "triggers" - they just kinda hit me.

Anyway, I hit it early with a somewhat steady stream of Tylenol and Ibuprofen, plus my regular migraine med. Thankfully it's not the narcotic type, so at least I'm not completely knocked out. It's mostly gone right now, but I can still feel it looming in the background, dulled by the meds; my brain feels sore, if that makes any sense... :sick:

Migraines suck.

Northern Lights

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2006
Migraines, the cause is closer than you know:

From the evidence of my experience and what I read here the cause is somewhere between Hot Wires and LEDs. You see, CPF is the common denominator of all us who posted here. Migraines are a manifestation of symptoms associated with flashaholism, the proof lies in this thread, best of wished to you and my sympathy,greenLED :

About the same time I discovered CPF... and became an admitted flashaholic I came down with a mystery illness, today it still is not diagnosed, that condition has hospitalized me 3 times, once left me stranded in the wilderness on a solo fishing trip and another time cost me two months of work recuprating. Interwoven various symptoms haunt and sometimes debilitates me but the cause remains elusive.
My Dr.s and I thought I had a pituitary tumor, a brain tumor, from lab results so radiology was the next test. An MRI showed nothing in my head. You can take that statement for what its worth...
A recent diagnosis that explains some of the visionary symptoms is that I suffer Ophthalmic migraine in one eye. It irritates the retinal nerves, I see double, flashes of light, bright zig-zag lines, loss of brightness control, tunnel vision, etc. White wall hunting and beam shots can set it off!! The blood vessels that cause migraine can be in the head or the eye I found out.

I am afraid the cure may be to avoid the cause. Don't know if I could stand that.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2006
'Nother migraine sufferer here. I wish the best to all migraine sufferers. Not fun.

Maybe we can start a thread with symptoms and possible triggers and things that have helped us? A small migraine-help group?

Edit: Migraine Advice Sharing

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 26, 2004
3rd Stone
"Great minds think alike" 'cause I had one today also. Made for a pretty miserable evening and now a bit of insomnia. Oh, well...

I'm still amazed that people who have never had one will completely and totally dismiss how much pain a person can be in when they're having one. There are even some doctors who still refuse to believe how incapacitating one can be.

A few years ago one of the kids I work with was whining about working with a hangover. He shut right up when I told him I was working with a migraine that day -- the place is lit with mercury and sodium lights, btw. I just grinned when he said I must be a tough old bas***d. I told him it was just a mild one, no retching or dry heaves. He turned a real pretty shade of green. Gee, I guess misery does love company!


Apr 21, 2005
The Netherlands - one foot below sea level
I 've had a number of years with irregular migraines during my puberty and adolescence. I'm very thankful they faded away. Now I can sometimes 'just' have a really bad headache for 2-3 days; very rare now, thankfully. I can function during attacks.

I recognize the symptomes you all describe. All I did was curl up in a dark bedroom and try to move as little as possible. Even breathing hurt. Even thinking hurt. After trying to catch it early with medication, I never took pills for more than 36 hours; after that they seemed to worsen the pain and nausea. And after it had gone, I would feel strangely light in my head, and 'empty' for another day. Triggers for me were: irregular mealtimes; cheese; chocolate (still is); lack of salty food; too little sleep; bright light :whistle:; stress. Now the main triggers are: eating too much in one meal (especially meat); more alcohol than one beer per night (anything stronger is out of bounds) and chocolate.

My mother had the real thing: she was out for 3 days every fortnight.

I feel for everybody who has migraines on a regular basis. I'm amazed how many of you have these really severe attacks. Nice initiative, DB!


1 what

Jul 6, 2007
Hi Green Led.
Yes - migraines suck.
I don't know where you live or what you have been told about them or optimal treatment of them but if possible it's usually worthwhile seeing a decicated headache unit for assessment and management advise.
Failing that you might like to get hold of "Migraine and other headaches" by Dr James W Lance. It should help you ask your medical advisors the right questions.
Good luck.


Jul 1, 2006
62.2ºN, 25.7ºE
Sorry to hear about the lot of you! While I don't get migraines, my wife does. I've often helplessly watched her suffering them, so I have some idea of how horrible it must be.

I have finally found a medicine that works on mine every time. Zomig. Been a life saver. Perhaps it will work for you as well.

My wife swears by Zomig as well, but she says it must be taken immediately when the first symptoms appear, otherwise it won't work in time. It will still work, but not before the migraine has already hit her.


Apr 21, 2001
New York City
They suck - a get a couple/year.

The only thing that makes them MORE fun is when my 2 kids decide to argue despite my telling them I have a headache. I usually just tell my wife - I'm going to my room, lay there in the dark, and she is usually kind enough to take them out of the house.

Mine aren't TOO bad - I've never gotten the heaves


Newly Enlightened
Apr 27, 2005
green, in the past i had migranes for about 10 years without relief from many of the standard migraine meds then after all the cat scans and e.e.g. testing i went to a neurologist and he put me on depacote er for about 3 months (ALSO USED FOR BIPOLAR DISORDER) and i have not had a migrane in over 5 years. i have had headaches but not the blinding, sit in the dark and try not to puke variety. maybe this treatment will help you so ask your doctor. best wishes


Newly Enlightened
Oct 4, 2005
There is a solution which unfortunately is not available to most of the people who need it: marijuana. It is frequently used in some places of the world to treat migraine. It helps to reduce the frequency of the migraine attacks, but it also offers an almost complete relief during a migraine attack, without the nasty side effects that the migraine medicine has. Too bad it is not legal in a lot of countries though.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 16, 2005
I used to get allot of migraines, I have reduced them to a few a year using the following; Oil of Evening Primrose, Feverfew, B complex, magnesium, acidophilus. When I do get one the pain is greatly reduced and of much shorter duration.

I have a friend who is a cowboy type ( he thinks calf brains and eggs is good, but would never eat sushi) and didn't believe that an herb would help. He finally tried the oil of evening primrose and feverfew, it worked for him.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 14, 2004
Migraines - I have had them all my life, My opinion - part stress ( exercising on a regular basis cut them way down )

the other part is food triggers -

here is a partial list of what I stay away from

Red wine, I stopped drinking for the most part - I will have light beer every now and then.
Diet foods/ Diet Drinks Diet candy -- most contain asperatame - that triggers them.
Foods with MSG.

salami - some cheeses

And - this is weird - having my teeth cleaned with the ultra sonic tool they use. I now have them do all the cleaning by hand.

The only thing that works to clear them is Excedrin ( or generic equal )
if it is real bad - cool, dark, quiet room. I stay away from Ibuprofen,
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