Poll... light reflective outer wear Yes or No

Do you prefer to wear outerwear that has 3M type light reflectivity?

  • Total voters


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
Here we are at post 20 and I am surprised at how the voting has gone up to this point where the votes are 4 YES and 7 NO.

I wonder if it is how I worded the OP and people didn't realize that I meant piping that is only 1/8" in diameter, that CAN be stylishly manufactured into clothing.


Jan 12, 2012
I have, in the past, not even used a glow in the dark watch face, let alone reflective clothing, because it would give away my position in the dark.


If going for a walk, etc, I consider it a good idea to be reflective/lit to help avoid getting run over, etc. I'll at least throw on something white/lighter colored.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2013
Michigan, USA
I wonder if it is how I worded the OP and people didn't realize that I meant piping that is only 1/8" in diameter, that CAN be stylishly manufactured into clothing.

Wouldn't change my vote. Although it does have it's uses, I don't want to buy a ton of clothing that has it built in. You can always add some reflective material if you need it, but you can't always remove it. I usually do go for the more versatile option.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I have, in the past, not even used a glow in the dark watch face, let alone reflective clothing, because it would give away my position in the dark.


If going for a walk, etc, I consider it a good idea to be reflective/lit to help avoid getting run over, etc. I'll at least throw on something white/lighter colored.


Hmmm, I can appreciate wanting to travel in "stealth mode" sometimes. Honestly, I can't remember the last time that *I* wanted to be in stealth mode, but, that's me.

OTOH, I recall, years ago, a friend commenting to me that "night vision" for most people after the age of 35, starts dropping off, like it was diving off of a cliff. Considering that we have an aging population, more and more drivers are night vision impaired. Mine certainly is not what it was when I was in my twenties. :( Although a number of respondents to this thread commented that they carry a light when walking at night. Although I have seen that many times in my neighborhood, I have NEVER seen a flashlight toting person in my local supermarket parking lot. Yet, people in drab/gray colored clothing at certain angles are difficult to see, in the dimly lit lot, especially if one's eyes are light adjusted due to the glaring advertisement lights of the store.

Add rain and people may become even more invisible.

I'd certainly feel a little more comfortable in clothing that had some 3M piping. Unfortunately as mentioned above, there isn't much clothing, other than running suits, with stylish piping for sale. Even as mentioned above, many running shirts or shorts have only a little logo.