Preon P1 MKIII

Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
Just ordered one and some extra batteries. I hope the battery hype is real.

One thing i didn't notice on the website is place of manufacture. Do anybody know where these are actually being made?

Hey, wacbzz! :wave: Hope you're doing well. I don't have a definitive answer. However, the description on the website reads, We only made 125 lights in each finish. That leads me to believe that they were machined in-house. Of course it could very easily mean, We only had 125 lights made in each finish. It'd be too cool if they were indeed machined by Jason & CO. The lack of a flag icon in the specifications section doesn't lend any clues.

~ Chance


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 1, 2006
North of the South
My Preon

I think the Four sevens were made in China.

Foursevens lights were manufactured in China. I was hoping since these were prototypes, we would be fortunate enough to have these made by Jason or his staff.

That was my original thought as well. I know that the FS lights were made in China, but I was just hoping the new owner had perhaps made them in house. Unlikely, but maybe. Country of origin made/makes no difference in my purchase decision. Nonetheless, I'd still like to know.

As well, in looking at the six(?!) different configuration modes, why is there no simple Hi-Lo or Lo-Hi? While it may be an "improvement" to have Lo-Med-Hi-Burst-Strobe and whatever other additional configurations there are, it is with head scratching wonder that the most probable use of this light would not require strobe or a burst mode. Simple Hi-Lo or Lo-Hi - at least as a user configurable option - would have been welcome...

Edit: Hi Chance! Your idea would indeed be pretty cool.
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Newly Enlightened
Jun 18, 2018
Way I understood it, is these were NOS Foursevens lights originally manufactured in China, and in-house which were gutted then machined to remove knurling under the clip, then coated and re-assembled to create what we see in front of us.


Aug 9, 2010
Mountain View, CA
That was my original thought as well. I know that the FS lights were made in China, but I was just hoping the new owner had perhaps made them in house. Unlikely, but maybe. Country of origin made/makes no difference in my purchase decision. Nonetheless, I'd still like to know.

As well, in looking at the six(?!) different configuration modes, why is there no simple Hi-Lo or Lo-Hi? While it may be an "improvement" to have Lo-Med-Hi-Burst-Strobe and whatever other additional configurations there are, it is with head scratching wonder that the most probable use of this light would not require strobe or a burst mode. Simple Hi-Lo or Lo-Hi - at least as a user configurable option - would have been welcome...

Medium/High is 15/60 lumens (configuration 3) and is basically what you are looking for. All configurations (except the first two) have 100 lumen burst mode available. Configuration 5 is "reversed" and has H/M/L. With the hybrid memory you can basically just use H/M and never have to scroll through low. I realized it's a break from convention to call moonlight "low" but part of that is driven by burst mode being the "true" high at 100% output.


Aug 9, 2010
Mountain View, CA
Would have liked tail standing

Can't have everything :) Tailstanding is always my preference, but basically if you want a clicky on a light this small in diameter it can't tailstand because the button has to be proud. The flat metal tailcap had two issues: 1) it feels really janky and tends to get stuck, as with all "metal cap over rubber boot" buttons. 2) It activated by accident all the time.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2011
Looks like the non shiny versions are the most popular. Both satin sold out.


Newly Enlightened
Jun 18, 2018
The polished finishes looks plasticky to me. I'm guessing the two satin finishes are most likely to stay in production.
Which possibly makes the polished versions more collectable, if they don't make it to production. I got the Polished Nickel because a smooth satin finish is too slippery, and all my other lights are black, but if I had more cash I would've gone for the Tuxedo too. Also, I don't care for finger printing.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
Which possibly makes the polished versions more collectable, if they don't make it to production. I got the Polished Nickel because a smooth satin finish is too slippery, and all my other lights are black, but if I had more cash I would've gone for the Tuxedo too. Also, I don't care for finger printing.

Also, this run of 500 will be the only ones that sport the Prometheus and the Foursevens branding. Totally cool / artistic / maker / feature. :cool:

~ Chance