What's the best laptop in ~$1500 range?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2004
Toronto, Canada
I convinced at least 3 people to get the macbook. In my opinion, the macbook lineup is great but there are some fundamentals that apple still hasn't gotten right. First of all, it is HOT HOT HOT. I don't understand why apple doesn't turn on the fans more to keep the heat out. They want a totally silent laptop but that means suffer the heat consquences.

Secondly, they advertise windows support but IT IS NOT. Until recently, they have a new version of bootcamp that finally supports the camera and mic in windows. For the longest of time, people were without proper support in windows.

For what the macbook is, it is a great laptop to run osx but because of proprietary hardware, it will be hard for windows to run completely smoothly on the mac products.