Where did all the oldtimers go.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2002
New Jersey
Not too shabby, js. I still have the regulated TL you made for me, complete with ring-potted bulbs. I saw you selling yours recently, and it made me sad for an era gone by!

Minor bit of trivia: I got my regulated TL with Eneloop battery pack around the same time you got yours... and based on how much I've enjoyed using that over the ensuing time, bought the supplies JS posted for making another...

On a different note: NJ Photon Festival #18 (PF18 for short) takes place on Saturday, April 14th. Old timers most certainly welcome! :thumbsup:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
Not too shabby, js. I still have the regulated TL you made for me, complete with ring-potted bulbs. I saw you selling yours recently, and it made me sad for an era gone by!

Shut the front door! I had totally forgotten that I made a TL-11R for you!

Yeah . . . definitely an era gone by . . . although for someone like you, or milkyspit or SilverFox, I could always make some more ring-potted lamps, if it was really important to you guys. I just ran out of my Cotronics 940LE low-expansion ceramic potting compound, and it's like $100 for a quart of the stuff, and no one has needed or wanted ring-potted lamps from me in two or three years now, and it's such a PITA to make those things, that I didn't see the point in holding on to so much money in bare WA lamps and investing even more money in potting compound.

It's a real downer . . . thinking of all the mods I put out there, and how most of them are probably just gone and faded away by now. So much work, so many hours spent, and so little remaining evidence of all that. I once thought that my rechargeable M6 packs would last for years and be traded/sold on B/S/T for years, but then, like in so many other instances, they got hit by the battery-death plauge. The same plague that hit the USL's and countless TigerLight packs that I made. That's NiMH for you. Left sitting alone for a year it will be in pretty bad shape--probably permanently damaged in terms of performance, if not having one or more dead cells. Even worse, if someone forgets and leaves their light on during a discharge, then it's really likely to result in a dead cell or two. I'd be surprised if there are even three working M6-R packs out there right now--and they are even more problematic due to the 2/3A cells, and also because the regulator is constantly drawing a very small current, so if you leave those packs sitting for even just 6 months, you are likely to permanenty damage them.

The only mods of mine that are likely to remain around for much longer are the regulated TigerLights with 8AA eneloop cell packs. And, even better, the LVR3K regulator in those is set to TURN OFF at 6.4 volts V-in (or was it 7.2? Can't remember). So you CAN'T over-discharge the pack. And the eneloop cells CAN sit around for a year or two and be fine. I only made a handful of these, though. You have one, SilverFox has one, milkyspit has one, bwaites has one, and I sold one to . . . I think it was Jerimoth . . . oh, and of course, Michael Teig has one--he has the first one, actually--although I replaced the Titanium 2400 pack with an eneloop pack at some point. This is part of the issue with the TL-R: TigerLight OWNS the design. I was really really hoping that we could bring a regulated TL running a WA1111 at 7.2 volts to market. 530 lumens (I think that's right) for 35 minutes (maybe it was 38 minutes?). But, it didn't pan out . . .

And, hell, in these days of 500 lumen AAA key-chain lights that cost $25, what does it really matter . . .

Yeah, it makes me sad, too. I was thinking about all this because I was thinking about all of McGizmo's lights (and other LED custom lights) and I was thinking that those will still be around for years and years to come. Serves me right for making BATTERY PACKS, I guess--an inherently ephemeral and limited life (and even disposable) item.

Ah well, it's OK. It was a whole LOT of fun and was very rewarding!

And YOU started it all, Phaserburn. YOU sold me my first TigerLight, if I'm remembering correctly! :devil: See what you did?

Oh, and as for Phaserburn threads, I think I like the "My Pimped out Nuwai Q3" (or whatever the exact title was) thread best!
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
Oh, and I made one for brightnorm, too! He even posted a thread about it.

[edit] and josey as well!
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Jan 28, 2004
New York
On a different note: NJ Photon Festival #18 (PF18 for short) takes place on Saturday, April 14th. Old timers most certainly welcome! :thumbsup:

Wow, I haven't been to your house since PF3, right now April 14 is no good, but it may open up...how's the quarry!?!?!?!



Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2002
New Jersey
Wow, I haven't been to your house since PF3, right now April 14 is no good, but it may open up...how's the quarry!?!?!?!


PF3 was a good one. Was that the one UFOKillerz attended with his Silver Legacy mini HID builds? :thinking:

The quarry has changed a little but it's still there. The owner re-graded some of the main area, and a number of the largest boulders were moved around, presumably to improve the LEO shooting range. Beyond that, it's pretty much the same place as always. :)
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2002
New Jersey
It was where Sway sent a HID mod and Ginseng brought the Aurora, and I shot a "Blair Witch" group photo.


Yes! I remember that. If memory serves, Tweek was here, too, and late in the evening Tweek and I modded an oddball host for Ginseng (!!!) to turn it into an LED flashlight. :naughty:


Jan 28, 2004
New York
Yes! I remember that. If memory serves, Tweek was here, too, and late in the evening Tweek and I modded an oddball host for Ginseng (!!!) to turn it into an LED flashlight. :naughty:

Yup, that's the one! Wow, the years go by fast. Up to PF18 already??!?!



Dec 20, 2003
JS.. my M6R pack was working fine, until my Schulze charger died. was a pita to charge with HP regulated power supply.

just received a Cellpro Powerlab 8 battery workstation... talk about a powerful tool! charges at 1350 watts, able to do regenerative discharge at 1350watts. full software driven menu...etc.

check out my LiFePO4 motorcycle testing thread on ADV riders forum.

scroll down to #124 for regenerative discharge a 20 AH LiFePO4 motorcycle battery


here's my BMW R80G/S in Elgin Kansas last week. that I'm prepping for an around the world trip.

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
Hey cy!

Nice! So . . . you're going to drive that motorcycle AROUND the world?!? Wow! I assume there are some "assists" from water-bourne vehicles at some point along the journey? Or is that BWM even more awesomer than any of us could suspect?

Phaserburn (and/or anyone else who knows),

I looked for the pimped out Nuwai thread (or pimp my/your Nuwai, etc.) and couldn't find it, not posted by you, not posted by anyone. Am I mis-remembering this? Wasn't there such a thread? And who started it?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2002
New Jersey
I looked for the pimped out Nuwai thread (or pimp my/your Nuwai, etc.) and couldn't find it, not posted by you, not posted by anyone. Am I mis-remembering this? Wasn't there such a thread? And who started it?

It's my thread, big guy. :D

Take a look over here: My pimped-out Nuwai Quantum-III

A big thrill for me was Hotbeam being one of the early posters complimenting my work. Hotbeam was the co-creator (with Burnt_Retinas) of the MR-X flashlight, which to my thinking still reigns as the greatest LED flashlight ever built: not because it's still the brightest (far from it these days), but because it reigned as king for more than TWO YEARS at a time when LED technology was advancing even faster than it is now. To me, that's remarkable.

...and here was Hotbeam complimenting ME on my silly little mod! :bow: :bow: :party:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
Hey Scott! LOL! So sorry! I think Phaserburn and I were talking about a "pimped-out Nuwai" on the phone once--he had the parts for one if I wanted them, or something like that--and I mixed things up. OOPS! Sorry! I freaking LOVE the title of that thread, Scott. Too awesome!

I don't know why I didn't find your thread. I DID search on "pimped-out Nuwai" and didn't see it. But I just re-did the search, and DID find it. Must have just missed it.

See . . . I'm an oldtimer for sure--mixed up memories and failing eye-sight! LOL!

However, Phaserburn DID sell me my first TigerLight. Of that I am absolutely sure.


Dec 20, 2003
Hey cy!

Nice! So . . . you're going to drive that motorcycle AROUND the world?!? Wow! I assume there are some "assists" from water-bourne vehicles at some point along the journey? Or is that BWM even more awesomer than any of us could suspect?

Phaserburn (and/or anyone else who knows),

I looked for the pimped out Nuwai thread (or pimp my/your Nuwai, etc.) and couldn't find it, not posted by you, not posted by anyone. Am I mis-remembering this? Wasn't there such a thread? And who started it?

BMW R80G/S will be traveling self contained with tools, spare parts, tent, etc. plans are to tour USA first. a few weeks out, then a month out. coming back home. then Alaska to Tera De Fuego. then no telling where from there...

certainly won't be the first to travel RTW on an old BMW airhead. R80G/S are one of the bikes of choice for that job.

what's more interesting to cpf folks is ... what lights and charging system will I be taking on my trip?
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Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
It's my thread, big guy. :D

Take a look over here: My pimped-out Nuwai Quantum-III

The Q-III was my first introduction to serious quality flashlights. I still have it and it's waiting for me to finish up a mod. By the time I'm ready to finish it there will probably be a whole new round of emitters that I'm going to want to try in it! It's amazing how fast LED development is progressing.

The Q-III is a great little pocket rocket and frequently generates that "Whoa!" response from others when they see the output compared to it's small size. :)
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Oct 13, 2001
I joined soon after 9/11 with the good old Surefire 6P (Thanks Craig!). We used to be almost like a group of friends, kind of an extended family, way back when. Now with almost 140,000 members we've become like a large city with the inevitable depersonalization. Things used to be new, exciting, pioneering, discovering. Now they are interesting, even fascinating, but that pioneering spirit is barely there. It was very special to be in on the ground floor of a new and pretty unique enterprise. We're still a great forum populated by pleasant, increasingly knowledgeable and civilized people, and I still visit several times a week, but as Thomas Wolfe said: "You can't go home again".

Best regards to all,


Mar 26, 2004
La Tiquicia
Darned, gone for a few months (years?) and you guys make it look like a different world!

Still kicking and playing with a few lights I still have left, but with other hobbies, work, family... just not a whole lot'a time to play on the 'net these days.