Why a hydrogen economy doesn't make sense

Turbo DV8

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 5, 2006
Silicon Valley
It's just that you would not believe how many people think electric cars are our salvation

The EV is my salvation every time I shop at a certain electronics retailer. Here in CA we have a huge mega-electronics store, with a huge private parking lot that is always packed. Of course, when the EV1 was the newest savior, this store had to allocate four parking spaces closest to the front door for "Electric Vehicle Parking Only", complete with battery chargers so you could "top off" while you shopped. The signs look very ominous and official, just like the red and white "No Parking" signs that'll get you a ticket on a public street if you park there. So now the electric vehicle is dead, recalled and ground up into tiny pieces. But, shoppers at Fry's still circle the parking lot slowly looking for a place to park, while passing right by these four empty spots because they are still intimidated by the red and white "Electric Vehicle Parking ONLY!" signs. Not me. I just drive right up in my old Corolla and park right by the front door and let the others spend five minutes looking for a place to park 500 feet from the door. Haven't got a ticket yet. In fact, the two spaces right next to the electric vehicle spaces are reserved for police cars only, and there is often one there when I park beside it, and still no ticket upon my return and the cop's gone. So, thank goodness for the EV1. It really worked out for me.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 30, 2001
St8kout said:
I understand. It's just that you would not believe how many people think electric cars are our salvation, and that the ONLY reason Detroit doesn't produce them is because they're in cahoots with the oil companies, or Halliburton, or the White House, or (insert your favorite conspiracy nonsense here), whatever.

All commerically produced hybrids today use the Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) battery. Do you know who owns the patent on NiMH? Energy Conversion Devices (ECD), whose Cobasys spin-off joint-venture with ChevronTexaco owns the worldwide patent rights.

Hmmm... oil companies that own the patent rights to batteries?

Maybe Chevron-Texaco figured that flashlights, toys and digital cameras simply represented a new, big market that their petroleum energy simply wasn't well suited for. Maybe.

Here is a discusson of the issue on EV World:
