Quark Pre-Flash...Unacceptable, Period


Aug 26, 2010
I have been perusing these forums for a while now. I get a bit obsessive about researching things before I buy them and I like to have the best possible products on my limited budget. Also, having just moved to a fairly remote location in Maine quality is essential. Thus far I have purchased a Quark Turbo 123x2, Mini AA2, and Preon 1. Needless to say I like 4Sevens lights. I have read dozens of posts talking about pre-flash and attempts at limiting it. In the end however, it is flat out unacceptable. With all of the advancements in technology and the amazing devices that these lights are, something as annoying as pre-flash can simply not be permitted. As a user group and community we are who these companies look to to guide them. I have seen far too many users say things like Well yes there is pre flash but just cover up the lens when you turn it on. Or, Well its a great light so who really cares about a flash?

Every time I have used the light with people who have no idea what a lumen is they all say, wow, that thing is bright, but what the hell was that flash? Or, Oh is that that $75 dollar flash light you bought you weirdo? Did it just take my picture or something? When using it in my bedroom at night I have it tightened to moonlight mode, however I usually forget because I am just waking up and when I click it on there is this enormous flash that lights up the entire area and completely blinds me for at least 10-15 seconds. How tactical is that? Hello potential intruder in my home, here I am and I am aware of your presence. Advantage:Bad Guy. That is horrible. My biggest gripe is the fact that there are plenty of lights out there that do not do this. Therefore, why make excuses for a company that is clearly creating a product with a deep flaw? By just accepting this as a community, as their main consumers, we certainly arent helping them make a better product. So I, for one, will refuse to buy another 4sevens light until this issue is completely resolved. I hope others are willing to put their foot down and not allow a company to make a product that is clearly defective.

~rant complete~