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  • Hi, I am new on CPF and the main reason I joined is because I am trying to build something to use as a varmint light. I can't quite bring myself to spend the crazy money on one of those cool green Laser Genetics units after reading so much bad stuff about them and my past experiences with BSA Optics. I came across your red Tiablo and I think that would make a fantastic light for the 100 yard shooting I am doing but I am seriously lacking in knowledge to do the mod. I can handle the physical work and soldering, I just don't know how to select the right components. I yelled out for help in my first thread here, http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?p=3576760 but I thought maybe I would try contacting you directly now that it seems I have enough posts to do so. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
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