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  • Sounds cool, Id get you some arctic silver thermal paste for mounting the LEDs.
    I think the standard is 10 sq inches of heatsink surface area per watt. That might help making sure your sink is adequate. I found with fishin lights you want a flood light, so it helps to mount the LED up close to glass to let the natural 120 ish degree pattern help you.
    I used old heat sinks from PCs for my build, then used fans to cool them, but Im runnin 110watt LEDs x 4
    Are your going to mount on front of boat above water?
    Hey man, that is what I want to do. Build my own. I actually ordered the parts today. I ordered 2 XM-L LEDs, a 2100 mA LED driver, some different reflectors/lenses to play with, and an aluminum channel to mount and act as heat sink. Do you have any recommendations?
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