Recent content by MJGEGB

  1. M

    Perceptions of what is too big for EDC

    This is probably blasphemy but I perfer carrying the smallest light I can get away with. I don't like carrying a lot of different things on my person and I don't like having things on my belt. That said I've carried a 3 level 1 x aaa on my keys for years and it has always worked for me. I only...
  2. M

    Best Single AAA torch?

    It's a home brew head band. They are very simple to make though, I did it without a machine or any real know-how. The one pictured was made from an old work ID lanyard that I never used for its intended purpose. I just fit it to my head and sewed it into a permanent band and then sewed a small...
  3. M

    Check out the new Maratac Nichia AAA Copper!

    My Copper Nichia Rev 4 and the only picture I bothered to take while it was still shinny. Being that I keychain carry, I don't bother with the pocket clip. I did however make a headband for my aaa lights a while back out of a section of elastic.
  4. M

    Best Single AAA torch?

    I've done night hikes with nothing more than an aaa light on a headband. Generally I ended up only using Medium or Low, High being far to bright for my needs. And this is in an area without light pollution say like around a pub. The only present light source being the stars. I guess reasonable...
  5. M

    Check out the new Maratac Nichia AAA Copper!

    I just got mine in last night, and it almost immediately started to form a patina after handling it. Of course being that it was immediately put into the roll of my primary EDC flashlight, tossed on my keychain and put to use installing a new window regulator/motor in my truck it's probably no...
  6. M

    Check out the new Maratac Nichia AAA Copper!

    I'm another big fan of the MLH mode sequence. The Rev one Maratac AAA was my first decent LED light and I came to realize that the sequence worked best for me. It was my soul EDC light for about 6 years give or take until in gave up it's ghost. I ordered the new copper Nichia version​ as a...
  7. M

    Efficiency comparison Lumintop Copper Tool and Copper Worm

    First post, I had to join this forum just for this thread. I have a Maratac Copper AAA Nichia 219 rev 4 on the way from CountyComm. I'll post pictures of the driver once it arrives, but I don't have the equipment or know-how to run any real tests. I carried the Rev 1 on my keys for about 6...