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  • One other question - the 808 in your name - Jay, Dan, Don, and Jackson are the only 4 I'm aware of in HI - are you one of them?
    I could jokingly say I'm Jackson's alter ego... but in fact I am his friend and loyal customer. My avatar is a Reylight Ti LAN 219B he sold me, my favorite small light.
    BTW, I got an email from someone who said they had a "copper Orb to sell me and asking where I'm from. I asked what his price was, what type of copper it was made of and for pictures of the light he would send me in front of a newspaper or computer screen with a current headline behind it - oh and that I would be paying with paypal. Unsurprisingly, no reply so far:)
    BTW, I got an email from someone who said they had a "copper Orb to sell me and asking where I'm from. I asked what his price was, what type of copper it was made of and for pictures of the light he would send me in front of a newspaper or computer screen with a current headline behind it - oh and that I would be paying with paypal. Unsurprisingly, no reply so far:)
    Thanks for your comments.

    Out of curiosity, how did you know my first name and do I know you? I hate the CPF nickname thing. Do I know you from Facebook? I spend 100 times more time on FB than CPF.

    Have we had dealings before?
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    Reactions: navid noor
    I just sent you a conversation which should answer all your questions. Here I'm limited to 420 characters, which I am incapable of being so abridged
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