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  • I recently got a zebralight sc30w -- thanks CPF for the price heads-up:thumbsup:. Generally pleased, but a few issue:
    A. Over the weekend the light turned itself on in my pocket several times, on high. It got very hot. And, after this, the light began to shut off quickly whenever set to "high" -- I think, because the battery was depleted. Some questions for the zebralight community:
    1. Is the quick-shutoff on high a standard battery-saving feature of the light? I didn't see this in the instructions or on zebra website, but it seems the most logical explanation. (I'm using standard surefire 123s.) If so, what do folks do with half-used 123s?
    2. Has the accidental turn-on problem been fixed in new zebralight models?
    3. Is there a good way to prevent accidental turn-on in an existing sc30, short of loosening the tailcap (which works pretty well, but reduces convenience) or gluing O-rights over the switch, which I saw somebody did in another post?

    Thanks in advance for any tips.
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