“Illegal” real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,“Seoul-Mated” HDS 60,"Turbo" P3D-CE


Oct 13, 2001
"Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3D-CE

I wanted to compare these lights in a natural setting, far from artificial illumination. Unfortunately (from a Flashaholic's point of view), I live in a big city which runs 24/7, and the only place to do this was in a park at night. It's illegal to be in there after dark and it is potentially dangerous, especially for a lone Flashaholic engaged in thoroughly nerd-like activities.

This is not a formal test, but rather my subjective impressions, performed hastily under conditions where I admit I felt anxious, even fearful for my physical safety. I am not comparing these lights in order to say which is "better". For more information about the "Turbocharged" P3D-CE see here:


Lumapower MRV on High: This beautifully made relatively small beast may be the ultimate LED thrower at this time. It projected a very bright focused beam FAR into the fairly distant trees. However, the beam was very small, even tiny. Impressive as it was, I didn't see it as a practical light for my personal use. (Please remember that these are personal opinions, not "judgments", and I'm sure that others will find this light perfect for their needs)

Lumapower D-Mini (using PILA 600P in Peu's 18650 tube):
This light threw well into the middle-far distance; its beam had more than enough penetration to be considered a real thrower (perhaps the furthest throwing of any light in its original size class). In addition to being an excellent scouting or spotting light, when held fairly horizontally at waist level it provided enough spread to illuminate a path, though with somewhat of a "light tunnel" effect.

I don't recall if the D-Mini is running at 500Ma or 750, but I wanted it to be just a bit brighter. With Peu's tube providing enough energy for it to lose only 15% of brightness in 3 hours, perhaps it could be pushed a little harder and still maintain a reasonable runtime.

"Turbo-Charged" P3D-CE. If you followed the above link you will have gotten an idea of this little wonder's capabilities. However, it is by far the least practical light in this group because to run it for longer than brief periods would most likely result in a fried LED or an extremely unwelcome "event". In terms of beam shape and spread this light produces as good a "typical" Cree beam as we are commonly see with Fenix and other lights with small diameter bezels. However, it is pumping out so many lumens that it seems like a little searchlight with spread. Simply put, it is to a Cree as a Cree is to a Luxeon.

"SeoulMated" HDS 60 This is one of a pair of HDS 60's that Milkyspit modded for me. It produces a marvelous flood of very bright light, yet is powerful enough to project to the near-middle distance. For sheer walking pleasure and security I have yet to find a better light.

I will rely on suburban and rural Flashaholics to put these lights (excluding the Turbo-P3D) through real comparison tests

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Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

Not legal to be in a park? After dark? i would tell those kind people who make the laws: "NOOooooo parks are here, darkness is here, and so am i... " Tell them its your ritual to the planet earth to offer light to humanity during the dark hours, and watch them fall over asleep while they comtemplate what you said... :crackup:
Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

That would only work if the judge was a Flashaholic:)

Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

I'm confused, how could have it been dark if you were turning all these great lights on?
Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

would that be central park ...the only place i know that runs 24/7 and cant enter parks at night cuz of danger is nyc
Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

would that be central park ...the only place i know that runs 24/7 and cant enter parks at night cuz of danger is nyc
cant be. its open to midight or 1am. i bike there at night:sssh:
Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

A cop told me it's illegal for any individual to be in the park after dark unless he's part of an organized group. I assumed he knew what he was talking about but I'll check it out.

He was wrong and you were right, it's open until 1am


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Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

last time i went i got kicked out at 10-11pm and i was only 50ft in the park maybe i looked like a hoodlum:devil:
Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

Maybe you should tell the cop that if he or she did their job the park would be safe at night.


Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

I frequently take walks through the park near my house after dark. Occasionally it is 11:00, or so before I go out. Safety isn't an issue for me, but stepping on frogs, or dog excrement along the (paved) trail is. There aren't any signs that indicate that the park closes at dark, so it is a popular spot for people to exercise, stroll, walk their dogs, or hang out.

Lately I have been alternating between my VB-16 (Gen. 4) and LP MRV. My backup light is my trusty Nuwai ALX-332L with a USVOH Seoul and AW 17670 cell.

For overall performance, the VB-16 is the best choice for me. It has great throw, and a smooth even flood. But the throw on the MRV is fun when I shine it across the pond, and into the trees, hundreds of yards away. I am looking forward to picking up an OP reflector for the MRV, as it certainly could use some more side spill, and has plenty of lumens to spare.
Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

A cop told me it's illegal for any individual to be in the park after dark unless he's part of an organized group. I assumed he knew what he was talking about but I'll check it out.

He was wrong and you were right, it's open until 1am



i was in the same impression until i read about organized bike rides through the park once a month.
i would say you would be safe in the outer lanes of the park which cars use in the day time. i see some single bikers and joggers.
the lower portion of the park is safer and has more people walking dogs, jogging, hanging out especially near the tavern. watch out for horse poop from the carriages.
i would still say it's more safe to be there in groups. there are police that patrol but safety in numbers. :grouphug:
Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

Hello Brightnorm,

Playing in a park is always fun. Playing in a park at night with flashights is an adventure. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. :)

It may help those of us that don't play in the same park understand your observations and conclusions, if you could give some rough estimates of your distances. On the other hand, if you wanted to go back in the day time and pace off the distances, that would be fine, but I don't believe it is necessary.

You refereed to 3 general distances:
"fairly distant"
"middle-far" and

In the parks that I play in, near would be 5 - 20 feet, middle is around 100 feet, and far is around 600 - 900 feet. My parks have a lot of trees and underbrush, so long distance visibility is limited.

However, when I am out on the water, everything changes and the distances are stretched out.

Also, did you experience any of the "light tunnel" effect with the modified HD60?

Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3


I just wrote a detailed reply and CPF suddenly "unlogged" me. I logged back in and it was gone. I still have to log in to CPF evry time and it is getting to be a real pain. I'll summarize what I wrote.

I'll eventually have to remeasure, but the HDS had by far the least light tunnel effect and in that respect is one of the best lights I have used. The beam is even smoother and wider as well as brighter than the original after Scott's "Seoulmating". I would say that "near" could refer to at least 50 ft, maybe more.

Sorry I can't estimate the other distances but I doubt that the furthest tree I aimed out was more than 600 ft away, maybe less. But that is really a guess.

It would be nice if CPF had a "Beam Configuration" database with detailed descriptions anmd photos of real life objects. Brock used to have a pretty nice version of that on his site.

Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

"I still have to log in to CPF every time and it is getting to be a real pain."
There's a thread on this problem. After I killed all my cookies the problem went away for me.
Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

Hello Brightnorm,


I agree, Craig has some good data on the beam profiles, but we still need more.

Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

"I still have to log in to CPF every time and it is getting to be a real pain."
There's a thread on this problem. After I killed all my cookies the problem went away for me.
Thanks, I deleted temporary files but I have so many cookies from sites I use constantly that deleting them would create a major hassle.

Is there any way to identify the specific CPF cookies and just remove them?

Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

In FireFox:

1. Tools/Options.../Privacy/Show Cookies
2. Type "Candlepowerforums" (and maybe a few older names like "CPF") and you can select / erase the cookies.

Hopefully, other browsers are similar.

Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

Or to quickly delete all history/cookies/ect in fire fox push ctrl+shift+d
Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

First, don't push "ctrl+shift+d" because you don't want to delete all of your cookies.

Second, "ctrl+shift+d" is configurable in FireFox... It can delete cache, history, cookies, and other things--or variations of those (say cache only).

Re: "Illegal" real-life test: Lumapower MRV & D-Mini,"Seoul-Mated" HDS 60,"Turbo" P3

I don't have FF but I'll try typing in CPF etc in IE


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