I just looked up your flashlight, it's a G&P X12 clone/rebadge/etc... whatever you want to call it.
Here's the deal.... there are so many variants of these lights, with so little support from anywhere, that they basically don't get a lot of attention here as they are hard to nail down. The biggest flaw in them, is that most of the places who carry and resell/rename these flashlights, have totally skipped even arranging from the supplier a bulb replacement for their customers, so once the bulb goes, the customer is left with a flashlight that nobody understands, and doesn't seem to be compatible with any of the common tactical lamp assemblies on the market.
In order to run the light on rechargeable cells, you need to get a lamp assembly from an X9 (or Z3) etc, and run it on a pair of protected AW brand 17670 size LiCo cells. It won't be as bright as original, but it will run over an hour and you will have recharge-ability. I'm not sure if that lamp assembly is even available for sale anywhere.... A internet search will be required, look for G&P airsoft product resellers and look for that bulb....
Alternatively, quite a few G&P lights shared compatibility with SureFire "C" style threads. It's *possible* that your mini-turbo head could be unscrewed from the body, and a standard SureFire compatible bezel could be installed, that supports standard 26mm lamp assemblies. You could order a SolarForce brand bezel for ~$12 online and see if it fits. If it does, then you would still want to run a pair of protected AW brand 17670s, but your options open up to the full line of "9V" D26 style bulbs. There are options from LumensFactory, SureFire, G&P/UltraFire/SuperFIre/SuperDooperFIre/SpiderFire/KitchenSinkFire/SolarForce etc etc etc....
If the SolarForce brand bezel does turn out to fit, then the body may also work with a SureFie KT2, again, with a pair of 17670s...
One warning: If you install a "9V" lamp into this light for use on a pair of 17670s, then you can no longer use 4xCR123 cells in it as backup, as it will just blow the bulb.