$1300.00 flashlight


Jul 9, 2006
:devil: It just happens to come with Warn 9.5 XP winch , I finnaly got her all bolted on and wired up and found out it has a flashlight in the controller .
Its a #9500 warn winch for my 2004 Chevy Silverado 4x4 , I found out it has an LED flashlight in the remote controller when I hooked up the electrical . whats a short arc ?

and here we were all excited that another member had gone toally nuts and gotten a ridiculously huge WWII anti aircraft light

That's what I am talking about -- the ultimate EDC!!!! :devil:
Tell you what, I'll give you $300 for the winch, you can cut your flashlight cost back to a cool grand.

Yup, but then again, 1300 for one of those babies isnt expensive right? i mean, the beast costs more than that...

oh, im sure you could custom make a lanyard for that...

Monocrom, no doubt...I'd expect at least one extra zero behind $1300:ohgeez:

okay guys, before we drift the thread to the point of no return lets get back to those truck lights and someone plz move this to the automotive section:thumbsup:

hiluxxulih see carbon arc and xenon arcs lights for details on that matter, how b'out posting a pic of your truck with them expensive suckers installed? :grin2:
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