Orbtronic is my primary site for 18650 / 26650 Lithium Ion batteries. I have a few genuine Panasonic cells, a few other cells that came with flashlights (including 1 really good 26650), but 80%-90% of my Li-ion batteries are Orbtronic, out of the Orbtronic's, about 70% are protected cells.
They're just a couple hours away, so I can go down & pickup if I'm already headed that way. But I usually just have them shipped, basic USPS shipping usually takes 1 or 2 days, & is less than the cost of gas for the trip.
All of my Orbtronic branded batteries have exceeded rated capacity according to my Opus BT-3100 charger. Even the oldest ones I own, after several years of usage, are still showing within 1% of the capacity printed on the batteries.
My oldest pair of Orbtronic 26650's - unprotected 5000mAh - still show about 5050mAh (+/- 15mAh) after last "Charging Test" cycle on the Opus, and that's with poor battery management on my part. For some reason I often find myself over running them in my Convoy L6, reaching the flashing LED warning built into the Convoy

But the batteries just keep on goin!