20 cent fix for the infinity

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My local sporting goods store was having a big sale yestarday. I spun the wheel, got 75% off any one purchase. Not being able to afford much, I saw the infinity display. So I picked up a yellow one($5.00 couldnt pass it up). I am pretty impressed with it. But the battery rattle was bothering me. So while at Auto Zone today I put a 7mm rubber O-ring around the Button on the battery. No more battery rattle, and I think that I get a more possitive lock on the turn. After reading todays posts I think that I will trade it for a green one tomarrow. Hope this helps. By the way the infinity is way more brighter with lith bat over alks.
I can make that fix for nothin' -

I put one wrap of masking tape around the battery, and there is no rattle. A postit note works too, I hear.

Great price you got...can't beat that!

75% off an you got an Infinity? !!!!!!!!!!

Man..I'm thinking $1000 treadmill for $750 off, a rifle, handgun....................
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by flexmodem:
[QBMan..I'm thinking $1000 treadmill for $750 off, a rifle, handgun....................[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's pretty much my philosophy too: Go broke saving money
I know, I know. I wish that I had $250.00 for that $1000.00 colt 1911. But I had come home with that I would be sleeping with the guns in the Garage. And they get a little colder that I like. I did trade for the green led today. I will be back for the yellow back tomarrow. Really bad rings in the green. And harder on your eyes. I think that it is a very narrow beam.