OK: just look at the SIZE of the thing! You *know* Surefire charges by both the inch, and the ounce. If an M6 is $275, *think* about how much this light is going to cost.
Probably less than a Maxabeam, but this is going to be one damn expensive flashlight.
And how big is a NiMH battery pack going to be that will run it for an hour? (Not to mention how much the battery pack, and charger will cost!)
I for one, have no desire to own this light.
I'd like to play with one for an hour, but seriously, 2000 lumens? You could probably strip paint with it, if you had an arc welding mask handy.
And what was the % increase that Surefire has just jacked their prices?
For me, flashlight are both toys, and tools I take seriously. And I can't think of any circumstance where I would be able to use 2000 lumens. So it's not a tool. And the increased risk of skin cancer rules it out as a toy.