200mW newwish vs 95mW nexus


Newly Enlightened
Mar 27, 2005
hey guys, I have been considering these 2 lasers and am curious as to what you guys think. Has anyone tried the 200mW newwish? It is purchasable here for $120


Wicked Lasers nexus is 95mW, which I own and thoroughly enjoy. I have read that newwish 100mW laser emits only 60mW on avg of green light, and 40mW of that 100mW power is actually infrared light due to a poor IR filter. It was noted that the higher the mW, the more lost to IR light, so this 200mW could very well have 80-100+ mW of IR light being emmited; not a desireable aspect. Please let me know your opinions of this newwish, and how it would compare to my 95mW nexus! thank you!
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Cant help out a lot, but yes, you're right, they *are* filtered, but it's very poor quality.

Also, the same pointers are avalible from Dealextreme for $120 also (might be a better deal on shipping for you)
if you want a toy to burn, the 200mw is going to have more burning power, albeit without the "safety" of a filtered green.

all these laser uses a pump diode, 500mw+ of IR to lase a crystal set that then emit green light. if you don't filter the output you get leakage. now it may be that the nwishes are filter for one spectrum of IR and not the other. Most of the pointers use a hbrid crystal of some sort, and you should have some HR coating on the vandanate side to keep the 808 in and then the 1064 from escaping on the other side of the ktp.
divergance on any pointer is a crap shoot usually. what's important is beam diameter... it's easier to recolliminate than to fix that.
Does anyone know the beam diameter specs on the WL executive Nexus, or on the newwish 200mW? What do you guys think would be a superior laser- the WL nexus 95mW or the newwish 200mW?
I found wicked lasers- the executives have a 1.6mm beam diameter and a .8-1.0 beam divergance , and the evolutions have a .8mm beam diameter (thus more burning power) but a larger beam divergance. (1.5mrad) All of these specs matter... but do you think the price of the 95mW nexus (
$369.99) is justified seeing as though the newwish 200mW is only $120? I guess I really just want to know if the newwish is any good for that low price!
Aseras said:
divergance on any pointer is a crap shoot usually. what's important is beam diameter... it's easier to recolliminate than to fix that.

If You are planning to burn or pop from distance, lets say <1.5m, smaller diameter of beam is better, but at distance >1.5m, smaller divergence is better (for throw as well).

Divergence stated in specs of the laser in mrad tells You what is the lowest possible beam divergence that can be achieved by factory/manual whatever. Otherwise, what would stop us to recollimate every laser to 0mrad and burn from very high distances.
IF you look down the forums a bit, there is a review by, I belive, Psudo, on the 100mw newwish, and it started having problems after 1 week of less-than-abusive use... so, unless you plan on keeping it in a case at home except when you're using it lightly, it's probably not the best of ideas (but again, as psudo said, it coudl be a fluke, AFAIK it's the only review so far of the higher-output NW lasers)
Yes, I have read psuedo's review. It is very intriguing. As someone else noted, even though psuedo found that the 100mW new wish was really only averaging 61mW green, if the 200mW version which is only $120 even produced 120mW, it would be a STEAL at that price. Of course... if the laser breaks in a week that doesnt do much good either haha. In any event, im very tempted to order this 200mW peculiarity!
very true, if it's >100mw it's a steal for a greenie! though I expect you'll be "servicing" (servising?) it off and on every few months for it's whole lifetime...

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