2xAA lights with lo/med/hi?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 10, 2008
Im curious what lights are out there that are similar to the l2d but dont have strobe or SOS?
good call, i had been looking at that light a while back and forgotten about it, thanks. There website says that it has a strobe tho:mecry:
I don't get the hate for lights with strobe and SOS. If it's tucked out of the way where you NEVER have to encounter it unless you need to, what's the big deal?

It's like going to a restaurant for dinner and ordering soup, but your napkin roll contains a fork, knife, and spoon. Sure, you only need the spoon, but would you get annoyed that they included the fork and knife even though you didn't need them? Say you order the soup most of the time and never use the fork and knife (don't like strobe or SOS). But one day you feel like having some buttered bread with your soup. Now there, aren't you glad the knife was there when you did need it on that rare occasion? It's not like it ever got in the way the rest of the times you didn't need it.
LOL I agree Marduke.

The strobe / SOS never bothers me on any of my Fenix lights. I kind of wish my D10 somehow could incorporate it because even if it came in handy just once in my life, it will have been worth it.
Well, you could use a MiniMag with an IQ switch, but I'd also say the other modes with the L2D are not a problem, but there if needed.

Nobody here is hating, I just don't have any use for it.
It's like going to a restaurant for dinner and ordering soup, but your napkin roll contains a fork, knife, and spoon. Sure, you only need the spoon, but would you get annoyed that they included the fork and knife even though you didn't need them? Say you order the soup most of the time and never use the fork and knife (don't like strobe or SOS). But one day you feel like having some buttered bread with your soup. Now there, aren't you glad the knife was there when you did need it on that rare occasion? It's not like it ever got in the way the rest of the times you didn't need it.
Yes! I know exactly what you're saying. It's like like.. I have Adblock, ...but rarely use it. But when you need it, I'm glad it's there. :D

It's like going to a restaurant for dinner and ordering soup, but your napkin roll contains a fork, knife, and spoon.[/rant]

I would say its more like going to a restaurant and finding that your cutlery comes in a black bag, into which you must reach blindfolded and maybe you'll get the fish knife that you want or maybe you'll get a soup spoon instead.

I like the idea behind multiple modes but a single button user interface was perhaps not the best way to turn it on and select the correct more, mode cycling can become a bit tiresome when you want your light on in its "low" setting without trashing your night vision.
I would say its more like going to a restaurant and finding that your cutlery comes in a black bag, into which you must reach blindfolded and maybe you'll get the fish knife that you want or maybe you'll get a soup spoon instead.

I like the idea behind multiple modes but a single button user interface was perhaps not the best way to turn it on and select the correct more, mode cycling can become a bit tiresome when you want your light on in its "low" setting without trashing your night vision.

But you always know what mode will come on first in a multimode light, and the modes people complain about (strobe and SOS) are usually hid out of the way so you NEVER have to encounter them unless you choose to do so.
But you always know what mode will come on first in a multimode light

That is not true for all lights, some multi-mode torches have memories so that they can start up in the last mode used. If I were to hand you a multimode torch with memory you could not guarantee to me which mode it would start up in. Even if you knew what modes it had and what sequence it switched through them in you'd still be guessing.

Even if you did know what mode it was going to start up in, it may not be the mode that you want and you may have to cycle through "turbo mode" to get to the dim light you want.

I've got an old incadescent torch that takes 2D cells that and has a flashing mode, you twist part of the body to select whether you want continuous or flashing light, it always comes on in the mode you expect.

lol, my thread has devolved terribly.

Yes it has, hasn't it....
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bringing this thread back on topic....

you might want to try the Olight T25-Tactical.

the olights remember your last setting and although it does have strobe and sos, they are selected via the head bezel.

thus, if you usually use high or medium or whatever, then you can leave it on that setting at the head and just use the tail clickie to click/pulse on and off.

i have an Olight T25-T for my car and i just got a T20-T for general use. i've had every fenix model and i just hate the strobe and sos.

the previously mentioned anaologies are BS. say you're on HIGH and you need to go to LOW quickly. you'll have to encounter SOS. say you're on TURBO and you need to click off real quick and then click back on. chances are you'll encounter STROBE. annoying as hell.

main reason i'm switching to the olight tacticals is that i hate that fenix treats strobe and sos as just another level. the T20-T has no strobe or sos and 5 levels of brightness. can't wait to get it.

i do love my fenix L2T and L1T but they are only 2-mode.
thats what I'm talking about, thanks for the PRODUCTIVE input

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