6D M*g 458 with A123 or Emoli?


Dec 21, 2007
hi guys i need some short advice on my next mod, can you give me ideas for the cheapest direct drive batterie setup to get the highest brightness from a 458? :thinking:

and maybe even with extension (when its available) :poke:
thank you :tinfoil:
Nos, you need to look at all the links for Lux Luthers Destructive Testing. It will give you the answer you need (which is 5 Emoli batteries if I remember correctly). The key is going to be voltage and the other consideration that you have not asked (and why nobody has replied) is what else you are going to do with the light.

I recommend for most people that they strongly consider purchasing one of AW's soft start switches. They are much easier on the bulb as it starts softly and you have a low, medium, and high setting. So that "resting" the battery pack that you may have read about, may be a thing of the past with AW's switch. Nor did you mention if you were going to be using just the stock switch or stock switch with NTC. Again, search this forum for reading material and ideas/comments about using an NTC with incan bulbs.

Personally, I am going with Emoli batteries for my 458 M@g mod because I simply like the Emoli batteries vs the Li-ion types. They don't call it safe battery technology for nothing. And, you can go to your local Conrad Electronics store and get a nice RC type charger and use that with a Voltcraft battery holder to charge just about anything in the world very easily. I only have one Voltcraft battery holder, but want about 3 more!!

With Emoli 26700 sized batteries, you cannot use the typical stock battery holder/charger, they are just slightly bigger than D cells. I use a plastic clamp made for clamping wood together with tabs that I clamp my charger too. Again, do a search here and I bet you will find the orginal thread for that too. Stupidly simple solution until you modify a holder to nicely charge them or you can install a charging jack into the M@glight and never remove batteries again!

A123 batteries take a different charger, so if you don't already have a good charger or a 123 type charger, you can go 123 if you want, if not, I would recommend Emoli.

Bob E.
thanks for the info ill use emolis then :rolleyes: i read a lot about 458 mods but i couldnt remember the batteries that were used

ermm yeah right, i should have said that im going to install a 10A switch and a ntc ( have to read about ntc's again first) ...

hmmm charging might become a problem...a modded WF-139 should work fine
Nos, please get back with us on how this all goes. Would love to see the completed project.

Only one question: What 10A switch are you going to use? Been lurking about those Judco switches Lux or Jim Jones (I think) talked about? You made me go searching around the house to put my hot little hands on mine.

As for charging. I look forward to seeing your solution. It is amazing how may different ways people here solve the same problem, and each one is good.

Good luck on the project!!

Bob E.
Hello NOS,
I bought this one-of-a-kind 4 cell emoli mod from Mac. It is a 458 mod and is a great performer. When I got it, I ordered an extra emoli cell because I was going to do a 5 cell emoli mod with a 6D Mag. (That is a 3D in the pic for size comparison.) Mac took out the stock switch and used a 10A tailswitch mod instead. (I believe if you send Mac a 6D tube, he would cut it down for a tailswitch mod like this, but you would have to check with him on that.) you can read more here about this light:


Fivemega makes these extension tubes for the Magcharger and they work great with regular D Mags as well. Not only that, but the long one is 78mm so it was perfect to extend my 4 emoli to a 5 emoli. You can order here:


Mac makes those little rings to center the batteries in the D lights which I really like. You could do the same with PVC pipe and a little work. These are 26700 size batteries and they have about 20% more mA's (Mac says 2800 mA for the 26700 in his sales thread) than the emoli 18650 version. The A123 batteries have significantly less mA's than the emoli's also.
These batteries have stainless steel cases and will handle very high amps. One click and this baby lights up your world.
You can buy the batteries here on CPF here:

There is a LOTmore battery info here.


Both the 4 cell and 5 cell emoli mods with the 458 are INSANELY bright. When I shine it on the wall with the lights on inside and in broad daylight, looking at the hotspot on the wall makes my eyes hurt a little until they get adjusted.

You may have to upgrade the switch on the 6D (maybe too many amps for stock switch :poof:), but I figured 5 emolis would fit just about right in the 6D (before I found Fivemega's extensions that is.)

If you compare the lumens estimated from actual lux readings in LuxLuthor's test page, the 4 cell emoli (14.8V) running a 64623 at 5000L is very close to the 5 cell emoli (18.5V) running a 64458 at 5904L. It is a little easier to instaflash a 64623 on a freshly charged set of batteries though. So if you want to consider a little shorter light than a 6D, that is an option.

You may have known all or some of this already, if so just disregard.

Good luck with your mod. You will like the 26700 emolis in the 458 mod.
thanks for the information and interest guys :grin2: those links helped me a lot, i just couldnt "refind" them :candle:

about the switch, i guess ill just remove the hex nut of the stock switch and glue it in with the new switch, that will be of this kind http://www1.conrad.de/scripts/wgate/zcop_b2c/~flN0YXRlPTI5NTIxMDA3OTA=?direkt_aufriss_area=SHOP_B2C_Components&~template=PCAT_AREA_S_browse&p_page_to_display=&catalogs_sub_id=sub13&aktiv=13&navi=oben_1
with a ntc in series
and ill get two extension tubes, so i can use it as 458 or 657 :devil:

but this project has to wait a bit...... i still need to complete the list of materials i need ........ ntc(s), switch, tubes, reflector, borolens, a socket......etc
and the $$$ to buy it :whistle:

so far so good, is there anything else i need to know?
I was planning a 458 with a 16 cell aa pack in a 4d. Now i'm thinking i may be better off doing a 5 emoli in a 6d. Always a different variation.
ive made a list of all the materials i need, everything included this project will cost ~280$ :eek:

.....i wish i could find a charger with multiple seperated charging slots :sigh:

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