Dorcy 1 Watt 1xCR123 light review


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 21, 2005
Lost in NY
Technically this is a "double post" but Quickbeam said it's okay so that the review winds up in the right place :naughty:
Flashlight Review Dorcy "Super 1 Watt" 1xCR123A (part # 41-4262) $30 at Sears.

NOTE: In order to avoid confusion with the 3xAAA version(s) of the Dorcy "super 1 watt" light I will refer to this light as the "4262" for the rest of the review.

The most immediate thing you'll notice about the "4262" (aside from the size) is how solid it feels. Nothing is loose, fit is excellent, and it feels like it would survive being run over by a car! The entire light is machined aluminum with the exact same shiny appearance and feel as the 3xAAA "super 1 watt" light. The light is somewhat slippery but has grooves machined in to assist with grip. I did not find flashlight retention to be an issue.

Unfortunately (for a $40 light) there are no clips, lanyards, or pouches included with this light nor are there any provisions to attach a clip or lanyard. It does, however, include one good quality Energizer "photo lithium" CR123A cell.

The battery is installed by unscrewing the tailcap and dropping the battery in. The design appears to protect against reverse installation though I didn't test this. The switch is a rubber covered "reverse clickie" style switch with an "O" ring seal. Borrowing a page from Craig's (The LED Museum) book I performed the "dreaded suction test) on the tailcap and the body. It appears that the light is reasonably sealed. The "4262" has two modes, on and off (no annoying flash mode on this one). The switch is recessed and the "4262" will stand on the tail end.

The switch also has a relatively deep throw into the recess such that I found difficult to work with my thumb and much easier to use the index finger. I therefore feel confident saying that the light is unlikely to turn on accidentally in pocket, bag, or backpack. Additionally the light can also be "locked out" by just slightly unscrewing the tailcap. It is obviously not an intentional design feature but works anyway. The switch itself feels solid enough but doesn't have much in the way of tactile feedback, making only the faintest click when activated.

The head of the "4262" has a polycarbonate lens which is recessed approximately 5cm so should be well protected from impacts on the lens. The head unscrews easily from the body revealing an "O" ring seal and once the head is unscrewed the light module slides right out. The heatsinks of the luxeon star are immediately visible but I have not attempted to disassemble the head further.

The emitter appears to be identical to it's older sibling and it has a similarly designed (though smaller and shallower) reflector assembly. The reflector has a few visible flaws but they do not seem to affect the beam quality at all, in fact beam quality is excellent consisting of a nice center spot that drops sharply to a very even sidespill. The shorter and smaller reflector does not seem to hurt this light at all and I consider the beam quality and pattern to be essentially flawless on my sample.

Color is an excellent white possibly leaning ever so slightly to blue and throw is good for a light of this size. As a side effect of the smaller and shallower reflector on the "4262" the throw is slightly shorter than the 3xAAA "super 1 watt" light but the sidespill is wider, more even, and just plain nicer.

Runtime test(s) are underway and I will post more when they are finished.

The Lineup
MiniMag, "4262", Dorcy 3xAAA, Gladius, Inova T4

In the Hand

Tail end

Head and tail unscrewed

Emitter out of head

Closeup of emitter module


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 21, 2005
Lost in NY
Runtime is now finished (or as finished as I'm going to get).

This light has a very strange runtime curve and maybe someone more technically knowledgeable can explain it.

In the first minute there was a very abrupt drop that followed by a gradual rise (some sort of regulation circuit?) back to original level over the next 12-15 minutes. The light then ran a gradual curve out to roughly 2hr when it then began an abrupt drop off which crossed the 50% mark at 2hr 25min. The curve then flattened out somewhat until it reached 4 hours whereupon it dropped into it's "moon mode" dimming extremely gradually out to the 8 hour mark at which point I terminated the test. (total test time 8 hours).

At the termination of the test the "4262" was still putting out enough light to read a newspaper headline on the opposite side of a darkened 15 foot wide room. Based on the "tail" of the graph I have a rough estimate that the light would be useable for that sort of indoors work for an additional 10-15 hours, possibly more.




Flashlight Enthusiast
May 21, 2005
Lost in NY
Follow up post -
I purchased this light on 11/25/2005 so I've had it for about two weeks and used it as a pocket EDC. It's design caused a brief round of concern in the TSA agents when I was on a return flight from North Dakota to Washington DC but other than that it has been a very unobtrusive and handy light.

I burned through the first battery doing the runtime test. The second battery (a Surefire) is still in play with plenty of power left. The light has been used for 3 night time walks in rural ND (about 30 minutes each at -20 degrees farenheit) as well as the usual EDC tasks (go to the bathroom at night, find a dropped screw, etc).

The surface has a couple of very minor nicks from my keys but other than that looks brand new.

Bottom line...
I love this light. It is exactly the EDC I've been looking for. If I could ask for anything it would be a second, dimmer, mode (say about 3 lumen) but that's about all.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 11, 2004
i have noticed that this light is more 'yellow' than my other 1 watt led lights. Have you noticed this at all? i have just purchased this light yesterday and tested it compared to my other 1 watt led lights and it seems to be a broader, yellower beam.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 11, 2003
Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada http://tinyu
Overall, this is a very nice light. Mine has a very nice wide beam with a neutral white color with no yellow overtones at all. My only issues with it are that it uses expensive CR123 cells (I live in Canada) and it's much larger than it needs to be. A minor quibble is that it has no attachment point for a lanyard.

I've bought 2 cells for it at a dollar store nearby, but they're still about C$5 each. Not having paypal nor a credit card, I'm not about to buy 123s on the net. At the end of the day, the light sees less use than it could. I lean toward my Fenix L1P and L0P with rechargeables.


Jun 7, 2006
Pa, U.S.
cr123 cells are expensive in the states too. I think JUST recently (like a matter of a month or two) Circuit City started carrying them for $ 5 or 6 U.S. for 2? Until then, they were about $10/pc if not purchased off the internet.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 11, 2004
I work at Circuit City, we carry Panasonic cr123a's, 2 for 3.99.....


Oct 6, 2005
One thing I have noticed with these lights is the huge variance in tints....My first one was very purple, second one reddish, and the last one I got I won the lottery with, so freakishly white that it was kind of boring to use, like it sucked the color out of everything.

I use mine to drain cr123's that have run their course in my other lights, the long tail is actually pretty bright, well enough to navigate around a room when the light is (precariously) stood on its tailcap.

Another thing I noticed is that you can "lock out" the light by untwisting the bezel a little bit. I am going to buy a couple more to put in emergency kits.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 27, 2006
I bought one from Amondo Tech a couple months ago-1W6A1. Nice little light, the
beam is a little ringy but very bright and nice and white. Good review zespectre!


Jun 28, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
I bought one as a backup to my SF's and to use up all the ammondo tech 123's i have. I have about 8 left and the energizer one that it came with. I like it but i think i am going to get a SF E1E and another 1watt that uses a AA.

I like it a lot so i will probably keep it in my car as a back up too.


Jun 23, 2003
I have one with an XO emitter I bought from Target. I got a mineral crystal lens for it. I think the stock plastic lens is terrible. It puts out alot of light, I really like this light alot. With rechargeable 123's, it puts out more light than alot of 3W lights. With regular 123's, it's pretty good for a 1W light. I really like mine!