a blast from the past... CPF back in 2000


Mar 26, 2004
La Tiquicia
I was looking for something else and stumbled upon these. This is how CPF looked back in December 2000.

CPF's title page:

CPF's main forum page:
(notice the *huge* number of members...)

Compare to the spiffy look and the "slightly" larger list of members today!
I think Saaby was around then. Think about that -- he woulda been really young back then. Now that's an addict.

I "lurked" for a long time. I bet a lot of other folks did too. Heh, I'm sorta lurking these days too in a way. Hanging only at the Café too much.

Many of the old-timers had their sign-up date changed after a crash or two, but Sasha and a heap-o-dough (right -- like she's getting rich off this) straightened all that out.
I am wondering about DaveH, DavidW and Brock. Are they still here or did we give them a brain aneurysm from our incessant posting?
Thanks for posting this.I noticed dano's tag right away.IIRC dano is original member #13.Glad to know some of the original members are around to help us "newbies".

AlexGT has been around from nearly the beginning and has helped me on at least one occasion.
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I think Saaby was around then. Think about that -- he woulda been really young back then. Now that's an addict.

I knew somebody was talking about me. Naw, I just looked it up and I joined in June of 2002...so I wasn't quite around in 2000.
When I joined in 2001, the general flashlight forum threads eclipsed the LED threads by a sizable margin. I wonder at what point the amount of LED threads caught up and surpassed the general flashlight forum threads?

I knew somebody was talking about me. Naw, I just looked it up and I joined in June of 2002...so I wasn't quite around in 2000.
I think the general forum was still the most popular when I started lurking sometime late in 2002. Pretty amazing how big we've grown.

Brock and the LED Museum are a couple of other "old-timers" that still post.
You can search the members list using "Join Date" criteria.

Every member has a number, which I believe is allocated in order of joining. For example, Size15's is member #18.

Member #1, presumably the first member ever to join CPF, is Harry92382. He has never posted, lol.
When I joined in 2001, the general flashlight forum threads eclipsed the LED threads by a sizable margin. I wonder at what point the amount of LED threads caught up and surpassed the general flashlight forum threads?
I think it was late 2005 or early 2006.
You can search the members list using "Join Date" criteria.

Every member has a number, which I believe is allocated in order of joining. For example, Size15's is member #18.

Member #1, presumably the first member ever to join CPF, is Harry92382. He has never posted, lol.
D, there was some sort of mess-up with those user numbers. I remember an old thread where people complained about losing their original spots.

I seem to remember the original user was DONOTDELETE or something like that. (I'm probably not recalling that correctly.)
As I recall it, number 1 was supposedly "reserved." As the founder/creator of CPF, DavidW should be first on the list, but strangely, he is number 5 (if I read the numbers correctly). I also remember that during one CPF upgrade, Mr. Bulk became member number 1 (as the first to register once the upgrade took effect.)

I still remember a thread in which membership numbers less than 100 were "revered." What a long way CPF has come.

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