A2 Owners Interest Thread: Lumens Factory HO-A2 Unfrosted

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 22, 2007
I recently received one of the limited run of 30 unfrosted LF HO-A2 lamps and did a comparison between the stock A2 and frosted LF HO-A2 lamps. I posted some beamshots here.

I was very happy to see that the unfrosted version was significantly brighter than the stock A2 lamp, and had a good deal more throw than the frosted HO-A2. Unfortunately only a few CPF'rs got to get in on this limited run, and Mark at LF said he doesn't plan on making any more available except to a dealer (his post). I know there are others like myself that want to boost the performance of one of their favorite lights. I'd like to get a couple more for backup so I don't have to take a step down in performance when this one dies.

So post here if you would be interested in one or more of the unfrosted HO-A2 lamps and I'll keep a tally. Hopefully this will convince an LF dealer like Liotec or Lighthound that it would be a good business decision to order a bunch of these!

Lumens Factory Unfrosted HO-A2 Interest
  • RichS (2)
  • socom1970 (2)
  • bxstylez
  • Wattnot
  • Shurock
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I posted my interest the first time this came up but when the thread started filling up, I missed the part when they must have switched to email requests and missed out.

Yes, I'd take one or two.
I don't have an A2 yet but would definately be interested if the unfrosted were available. (I have been looking to buy an A2 for the past week now)

In terms of buying backup lamps, I would need to find out how many I would need for a year or two etc.

Maybe 2?

Also, do backup lamps "keep" well if stored correctly?

So if I bought 5, would they still work after 3-5 years etc?

I don't have an A2 yet but would definately be interested if the unfrosted were available. (I have been looking to buy an A2 for the past week now)

In terms of buying backup lamps, I would need to find out how many I would need for a year or two etc.

Maybe 2?

since the a2 is a soft start incan, you only need to have 1 backup, if at all. most a2 users find the observed lamp life far exceeds the theoretical.

Also, do backup lamps "keep" well if stored correctly?

So if I bought 5, would they still work after 3-5 years etc?


lamps will not go off on the shelf(as long the glass capsule stays intact)
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Interest type threads such as this belong at the Market Place posted by an authorized manufacture or dealer or in the group buys forum if applicable. Commerce or sales type treads do not belong on CPF proper.

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