AA battery holder?


Nov 29, 2004
Ontario, Can
I need a cheap, custom or bought 3AA holder. the batteries need to be wired in series. the smaller and lighter the better.

any suggestions would be great.

thanks in advance.
Far easier method that I use is to solder the batteries - under normal circumstances not recommened as idiots will end up blowing themselves up!!

1. Get a good charger that has variable cell charging eg. RC charger.

2. Dremmel ends of batteries to "roughen up" thereby keying the surface.

3. Flux battery surfaces/nipples etc..

4. Tin ends of battery with 100W+ solder gun FOR NO LONGER THAN 2 SECONDS

5. Tin small length of 1mm+ wire and join batteries with same solder gun and very quickly - flux if needeed.

Hey presto batter pack!

I've done a 18NiMH AA (21.6v) pack like this without any damage to the cells. As long as you are very hot, very quick and fluxed up well you get a superb join.

Avoid the cheap battery holders. They are rubbish and hemmorage voltage drop across those crappy wee chrome springs at higher currents.

i second that dont bother with the cheap battery holders i,ve had loads of troulbe with them better to slder them together.
There was a discussion of this a few months back in 'flashlight electronics.' One solution to problems of the springs getting hot and wasting power at higher currents is use the springs only to hold the batteries in place, soldering in proper wires to carry the current. Maplins sell 3AA series battery holders.

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