I am trying to determine a voltage range for a battery pack. I want to use a fatman driver, it has a max input voltage of 12V.
I have built an 8xAA battery pack, it fits in an unbored 2D maglight.
Regular duracells have a volatage of about 1.5, sometime a little more right out of the box. Total V for 8 is always a little over 12v.
My eneloops come off of the charger at about 1.6 V. This is deffinately over the 12V.
I see most people using number of of around 1.2 to 1.4V when doing the total V math. Is this due to the fact that V will settle down, a bit lower, as soon as a load is applied?
Thanks for assistance
I have built an 8xAA battery pack, it fits in an unbored 2D maglight.
Regular duracells have a volatage of about 1.5, sometime a little more right out of the box. Total V for 8 is always a little over 12v.
My eneloops come off of the charger at about 1.6 V. This is deffinately over the 12V.
I see most people using number of of around 1.2 to 1.4V when doing the total V math. Is this due to the fact that V will settle down, a bit lower, as soon as a load is applied?
Thanks for assistance