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AAA Stainless Peak Head


Dec 29, 2005
San Francisco
I posted in the BST section looking for a Peak AAA Stainless head for a short Peak body and got no replies.
The battery is a 10220 (I think the number is right) battery. Can this head be bought new? I can't tell from the Peak website. Anyone have any idea where to get one new or used.

Thanks, frisco
I doubt that Peak made any 3.6 volt aaa heads. You'd have to get an empty head (they do sell those) and add your own led and electronics.
frisco said:
I posted in the BST section looking for a Peak AAA Stainless head for a short Peak body and got no replies.
The battery is a 10220 (I think the number is right) battery. Can this head be bought new? I can't tell from the Peak website. Anyone have any idea where to get one new or used.

Thanks, frisco

Hi frisco,

I think the short Peak body you have is sized for a 10280 cell (28mm long, the same length as an N-cell, but the diameter of an AAA cell).

Yes the Peak Matterhorn AAA head can be bought new from Peak. Here is the page from the Peak website: http://www.peakledsolutions.com/accAAA.html

For my short Peak Matterhorn body, I use a 3 LED Hi-power stainless Matterhorn head. Any Peak Matterhorn head should fit the 10280 body you have, but I'd recommend the Hi-power (rather than the Ultra power) because the higher voltage input drives the Hi-power at the same brightness you'd normally get from an Ultra power. The Ultra power is somewhat overdriven by Li-Ion cell and would shorten the lifespan of the 5mm LEDs (perhaps to only a few hundred hours).

Hi paulr, the Hi-power Peak Matterhorn AAA heads will take a 3.6V Li-Ion cell. The Peak circuit is more robust than the ArcAAA.
I recently ordered and received a stainless Matterhorn Hi-power head for the purpose of using on my stainless 10280 short body. I can vouch for how nice it looks, and that its ouput is similar if not identical to the ultra power Matterhorn running on an alkaline or 1.6V lithium. Both of them when compared to an Arc AAA have similar throw and slightly less spill.

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