AAA Survives 5 yrs Lost in a Cave

Scott McCrea

Newly Enlightened
Sep 11, 2007
Asheville, NC, USA
I bought an Arc-AAA back on August 14, 2001 from Bright Guy. I loved it! I took it caving on August 24, 2002 and lost it somewhere in the cave. I had the light and whistle on a lanyard around my neck. I found the broken lanyard hanging out of my pant leg and the light and whistle were gone. We searched for a while but it was gone. I was completely bummed.

On Sept 9, 2007, we returned to Lonesome Pine Cave, TN and found the light in the stream, underwater, about a mile from the entrance. We were on our way out, walking down the stream, I spotted something shiny in the water. I did a double take realizing that it was my long lost Arc-AAA. I couldn't believe it. I scooped it up and looked it over. It was in pretty good shape. I tried to turn it on. Of course, the battery was dead after five years. I popped in a new battery and it fired right up. Amazing! This thing was rolling around this stream long enough to wear the black finish off and it still works.

This stream sees a lot of water during wet weather, so I imagine that it has been on quite a ride. What a miracle to get it back.

What's that? Holy crap! It's my light!

A fresh battery and it still works!

I'm so happy to have my Arc-AAA back!
WOW!! Amazing story.
What battery was left in the Arc AAA? Alkaline? Did it leak?
(Imagine you had used a lithium AAA with a 10 year shelf-time - it would probably still work on the same battery :) ).

Any chance for high-resolution pictures? Thanks
The battery was a super-cheap grocery store brand alkaline AAA. It was in perfect shape--just dead.

The pics are on my Flickr site. link Just click a thumbnail image, click "all sizes" and choose your res. :thumbsup:
Wow Great story!!:D Glad you got your Arc back after your long separation :twothumbs
Pardon my being cynical here... I don't see where this is some incredible feat. It sat on the floor for a number of years untouched and unused. I should hope it would work.. The better testimonial is for the battery that didn't vent sitting in the flashlight that long. The real story to me is the reunion of the lucky owner and his trusty torch.

This really truly is a great story, and congrats on the find. I just don't see why anyone would be surprised that it works...
It was underwater (or most of the time) for 5 years, not sitting on a dry stone.

Specs from website: Waterproof to 100 feet

I still think its biggest danger was the alky sitting inside. Sitting in shallow moving water should have no affect on the light indefinitely in my opinion. Assuming of course it it not being beaten against the rocks day in and day out.
I think the finish being worn down shows it was "beat"

Still very impressive!!!

Specs from website: Waterproof to 100 feet

I still think its biggest danger was the alky sitting inside. Sitting in shallow moving water should have no affect on the light indefinitely in my opinion. Assuming of course it it not being beaten against the rocks day in and day out.