Acebeam W50


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2007
Bozeman, Montana
OK so I just stumbled onto the new Acebeam W50 and I'm completely blown away! No I didn't have one as I was not in the LEP lights until I found this. With an adjustable zoom this Totally changes the game making it a very real world user light. This is the modern day Barnburner! Unfortunately this point in time I have funds directed elsewhere i.e. home remodel. LOL.

Just throwing this out there! I would love to see other beam shot in reviews. There's a really nice one done by an Australian guy on YouTube if you get a chance to check it out.
I saw that review. It's a pretty slick setup. I wouldn't mind having one myself but it's pretty pricey. Plus I'd be concerned about the durability of the actuators or motors used in the focusing mechanism.
That is a Class 3B light, meaning it will blind people. As we have discussed in other threads, they aren't going to be selling Class 3B to the general public. And they won't be bypassing the CDRH by selling 3B product from China. From their website (their red):

W50 is an industrial grade product, only for search and rescue, fire fighting, border, prison, electricity, airports, terminals, factories and mines,
as well as for various specialised industries. The laser's class is Class 3B. Therefore, online retail is not supported.
An enterprise-level security agreement is required for purchasing.

They make a slight error when they say the "laser's class is Class 3B." The size of the laser inside means nothing, there are many Class 1 Laser Devices that have Class 3 or 4 lasers inside them. The LEP itself is Class 3B (which doesn't exist anymore, but another story).

The CDRH doesn't care if you are blinded by coherent light or incoherent light. If you build a big bonfire and use huge lenses to make a beam, and that beam can damage eyesight, the CDRH cares.

The question is how much light is going to enter thru your 8mm pupil and will you be able to blink quickly enough to not be blinded. Laser, LED, LEP, carbon arc, whatever the source. And they have decided enough will enter from this light source to damage your eyes, and you won't be able to blink fast enough to save your eyes.

Which begs the question -- do you want to shine around a light that can blind people, perhaps your kids, will blind wildlife?
So a common Joe can't purchase one?

That is a Class 3B light, meaning it will blind people. As we have discussed in other threads, they aren't going to be selling Class 3B to the general public. And they won't be bypassing the CDRH by selling 3B product from China. From their website (their red):

W50 is an industrial grade product, only for search and rescue, fire fighting, border, prison, electricity, airports, terminals, factories and mines,
as well as for various specialised industries. The laser's class is Class 3B. Therefore, online retail is not supported.
An enterprise-level security agreement is required for purchasing.

They make a slight error when they say the "laser's class is Class 3B." The size of the laser inside means nothing, there are many Class 1 Laser Devices that have Class 3 or 4 lasers inside them. The LEP itself is Class 3B (which doesn't exist anymore, but another story).

The CDRH doesn't care if you are blinded by coherent light or incoherent light. If you build a big bonfire and use huge lenses to make a beam, and that beam can damage eyesight, the CDRH cares.

The question is how much light is going to enter thru your 8mm pupil and will you be able to blink quickly enough to not be blinded. Laser, LED, LEP, carbon arc, whatever the source. And they have decided enough will enter from this light source to damage your eyes, and you won't be able to blink fast enough to save your eyes.

Which begs the question -- do you want to shine around a light that can blind people, perhaps your kids, will blind wildlife?

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