Advice for a new AA light for outdoor and hiking


Newly Enlightened
Mar 10, 2009
I need a new reliable AA flashlight for outdoor and hiking. I have previously used Fenix, but want to try something new. Both Nitecore D10 and Jetbeam jet-I pro v3 are interesting lights - Which do you think is best for my usage? Are there any other lights which is more suited?

Zebralight H501. Or a Quark AA + Prism (waiting for shipping).

D10's good for general lighting and Jet-1 Pro v3.0's a good thrower (if throw's what you want).
Latest Jetbeam RRT-0 is another good contender for throw too.
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Thanks! But I would like a light without the strobe and SOS function. For my part, these features are completely useless. I want a Zebralight headlamp. But it's announced new models at the beginning of 2010. Have decided to wait.

Quark AA Prism? Never heard of it. Please enlighten me :)
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The D10 is a nice light but the one I have just went black when the battery petered out -- not sure if was just the old nicad I was using, but you you want to watch for lights that do that -- and always have a spare or 2 anyway. One light on my list is the ITP tc8/tc7, but I haven't yet found a romisen I didn't like (especially the price). I love the rc-h3 II Q5, and have an RC-29 on the way, which I expect would give you decent throw with it set to spot (all from Shiningbeam). I'd say a Quark and one of the above would do nicely. (But I don't have the other lights mentioned in the thread, so I can't compare -- just say I think these would do well).
Thanks! But I would like a light without the strobe and SOS function. For my part, these features are completely useless. I want a Zebralight headlamp. But it's announced new models at the beginning of 2010. Have decided to wait.

Quark AA Prism? Never heard of it. Please enlighten me :)

Strobe function in Jet-I can be omitted through individual mode selection.

The Quark Prism Kit allows you to use a regular quark as an angle light or headlamp for flood or colored beams. You can detach it when you need the Quark flashlight as it is.
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i'd say go for an mce light for outdoor use. the fenix tk40 or the itp polestar come to mind. they just illuminate a lot more where you may find a small, single-die light lacking in power. personally, an mce light coupled with a good thrower is my preferred setup for outdoors.

goodluck with your hunting :twothumbs
I use my d 10 every day. I keep it on about medium. The adjustable UI is my favoite.
I would also reccomend a 2 aa for longer battery life.

As I mentioned earlier, I want a light without the strobe and SOS function. The UI should be such that one does not accidentally turn on the high when it is dark. Stepless low to high setting would be great (simlar to Nitecore D10).
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If you go for a Romisen RC-N3 (123 or 2 AA), Shiningbeam has a war/neutral white. I have one and it's nice for outdoors -- it's not exceptional for throw --but great for 100 feet or so. My DC-10 R2 is cooler than warm white, but also not bad for outdoors. It is a bit on the heavy side -- like they used to say, when hiking, whatever weight you are carrying, after "5 or 10 miles the decimal point drops out" (30.5 pounds feels like 305) -- especially if you carry something in your hand (except for a walking stick). I'd want a head-mounted light for night hiking -- maybe lightweight AAA with spare cells in my pocket, or EZ-aa WW, or even an ITP A3 would be a good choice for that. It easy to swap in new cells, even in the dark with a bit of practice.
For an outdoor light anything with a neutral tint emitter. The better depth perception provided by the neutral emitter makes hiking by flashlight far easier on the eyes. The thing is few manufacturers bother to make lights with neutral emitters so your choices are limited, especially if you're sticking to the 1xAA format.

Zebralight has a neutral emitter option. So does Nightcore with an EZ AA. You may be able to find a quark tactical head with neutral emitter still and then buy a 1xAA body. There's been a petition thread to get 4Sevens to make a neutral quark mini with an XP-E.
Lego-ing with Dereelight parts you may be able to make a 1xAA neutral emitter setup as well but probibly much more difficult than it should be. Or if you really want the highest quality, just buy whichever light suits your fancy and switch out the standard cool white LED for a neutral white one.

Aside from the neutral emitter... which light to get? I'd say that if you're not into blink-y modes then consider a twisty over a clicky interface. Usually more reliable compact and simple.
Lumapower also makes good simplu UI lights at reasonable cost. Rumor has it that Peak may offer multimode lights soon as well.
Well, there are two AA lights that I really like. First is my Nitecore Defender Infinity. I have carried it for going on 2 years now every day. It is a 2 level light with the high constant setting of 145 lumen with the bezel tightened, and the user definable setting of anywhere in between 3 and 145 lumen with the bezel loosened. It has an operating voltage up to 4.2v which means you can use regular and NiHM AA's, and lithium reachargeable battery's also. It is operated by a forward momentary clicky, and as I said....the levels are changed by tightening or loosening the bezel. Has a very nice beam, and the light is built well.


The second light I really like is my JETBeam JET-1 Pro V3.0. It has 3 user definable settings with the JETBeam IBS UI. You can set any one of the levels to what ever you want, in any order you want to between 2 and 145 lumen with an alkaline or NiHM rechargeable battery and 2 to 240 lumen with an lithium rechargeable battery. The JET 1 is also very well built. Mine came with an OP reflector which gives it a nice smooth beam that has decent throw with usefull spill. It is operated with a reverse clicky.


Both lights will light up the night well, and are extremely easy to use and carry.

You can get the Nitecore Defender Infinity here, and get an 8% discount at checkout using the CPF discount code CPF8.

You can get the JETBeam JET 1 Pro V3 here, and get a 12% discount at checkout using the CPF discount code CPFSAVE12.
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The JETBeam Jet-1 Pro V3.0 looks great. I also like that it is possible to program your own settings. I read that it is possible to get it with a warm tint led. I think maybe it looks a bit clumpy though. In comparison with Nitecore D10. Correct if I'm wrong...
The JETBeam Jet-1 Pro V3.0 looks great. I also like that it is possible to program your own settings. I read that it is possible to get it with a warm tint led. I think maybe it looks a bit clumpy though. In comparison with Nitecore D10. Correct if I'm wrong...

EDIT: I do not own a D10 and gave mis-information on it. My apologies. I have amended my info below.

The D10 is operated by a piston switch, and the JET1 is a clicky. Piston lights have no switch assembly like the normal clicky, so therefore they are generally shorter than their clicky counterparts. The D10's length is 89mm while the JET 1's length is 100mm. That is only about a half inch difference. They both have a high output of 145 lumen using alkaline and NiHM batteries, but the JET 1 has a high output of 240 lumen when using an lithium rechargeable. So it all comes down to personal preference of which UI and what type of functionality and output you prefer.

Here is a picture of the JET 1 in my hand. In my opinion, I do not think it is clunky at all.

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The Nitecore D10 has a piston where the switch makes contact at the head and pressed from the bottom. No clicky sounds, just creamy smooth action. VERY reliable. Very well designed. You can twist the head also for a second option. The Nitecore EZaa is a twisty light. The newer D10 can use all aa sized cells including Li-Ions. I just wish a warm tint version of the D10 was offered.
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Thanks for the pictures bonder006. When I see the picture with the Jet in your hand it does not look that clumpy. I heave read some threads about some problems with the switch on the Jet. Anyone of you know if this is this still a problem with the new version 3.0? I'm a little concerned about the UI on the Jet. Since I do not have the change try trying it before buy. There aren't many videos online which gives a good description of how it actually works. There are too many lights out there. It is almost impossible to only buy one ;)
The D10 is a twisty, and the JET1 is a clicky. ... It also a consideration of whether you prefer the one hand use of the clicky UI, or the 2 hand use of the twisty UI....
I'm not sure why your D10 takes 2 hands to twist, mine certainly is very easy to operate 1-handed. Maybe you need some lube on the threads?

The OP should keep in mind also that the D10 lets you do it either way, twist or push the PD.

The D10 feels secure in the hand and easy to manipulate with all that knurling. It remains one of my favorites. But I don't have any Jetbeams for comparison.
always carry 2 lights if its dark, ive seen people post about world class uber expensive lights failing for some reason or other.

get 1 good light, but always carry a spare.
Thanks for the pictures bonder006. When I see the picture with the Jet in your hand it does not look that clumpy.

You are welcome.

I heave read some threads about some problems with the switch on the Jet. Anyone of you know if this is this still a problem with the new version 3.0?

I have experienced no problems with my switch, and have not heard of any with the V3.0 JET-1.

I'm a little concerned about the UI on the Jet.

The UI is very easy and intuitive. There is absolutely nothing complicated about it at all. You have full control over what output all three of the levels are set to. It is not only easy to set the levels, but also easy to operate.

Since I do not have the change try trying it before buy. There aren't many videos online which gives a good description of how it actually works.

I know what you mean. I tried searching for videos on this light also, and came up with zip, zilch, nada! I am thinking of making my own video.

There are too many lights out there. It is almost impossible to only buy one

Well, yeah. That's an understatement. You better hide your wallet and run my friend, because CPF is a bad, bad place for a flashaholic....:laughing:

I was thinking of use a zebralightheadlamp as main light, and a handheld AA as my backup light. I mainly use headlamp at night. But you never know when a handheld light might come in handy so I alway bring one with me.

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