Thanks for the pictures bonder006. When I see the picture with the Jet in your hand it does not look that clumpy.
You are welcome.
I heave read some threads about some problems with the switch on the Jet. Anyone of you know if this is this still a problem with the new version 3.0?
I have experienced no problems with my switch, and have not heard of any with the V3.0 JET-1.
I'm a little concerned about the UI on the Jet.
The UI is very easy and intuitive. There is absolutely nothing complicated about it at all. You have full control over what output all three of the levels are set to. It is not only easy to set the levels, but also easy to operate.
Since I do not have the change try trying it before buy. There aren't many videos online which gives a good description of how it actually works.
I know what you mean. I tried searching for videos on this light also, and came up with zip, zilch, nada! I am thinking of making my own video.
There are too many lights out there. It is almost impossible to only buy one
Well, yeah. That's an understatement. You better hide your wallet and run my friend, because CPF is a bad, bad place for a flashaholic....:laughing: