From my limited testing I have come to the following conclusions.
XR-E will require more machining on the reflector to bring it into focus.
Unless a long reflector is used , you are going to get a 'flood' beam' with great spill.
Soldering connections are tricky and fiddly at best.
S-P4 is closer to the LuxIII package we are familiar with , but sits lower than a Lux and some adjust the reflector a little for focus, others don't.
I can't find his exact quote, but Don who has used and sold both, says that if tint and beam quality is very important, stick with LuxIII.
In my tests, Vf is all over the place, 1/2volt difference in a couple of samples all from the same roll. Also tint varies all from the same roll and seems to change rapidly as current increases.
Personally for the next while, I will not purchase a flashlight at any price without first observing the tint and beam quality .
I think the CPF community has been a little premature in embracing these new LEDs. There is no question that they are nearly double the efficiency of Lux
but this efficiency comes at a price.
Just one man's opinion.