AllPeers puts BitTorrent in Firefox


Dec 20, 2003
Software startup AllPeers has built its peer-to-peer file sharing software into the Firefox browser, and will today start distributing the combined package.

AllPeers is a browser plug-in that allows users to fairly easily share files with people they know. Users drag file icons onto their friends' usernames in the AllPeers Firefox sidebar, where they can be transferred right away or later.
hm, that is a neat concept.
Would be easier than hosting or emailing large files.

Only drawback is, the other party has to have that plugin also,
so you may be limited to who you can share things with, unless they are willing to install the plugin also.

I cant wait for Mozilla and Google to take over the world. :devil:

installing plug-in is a snap! after watching howto video, setup is a breeze.

this would have been perfect for distributing that Nat Geo file about flashlights.

just installed allpeer and would like to test. you've got PM for email info to test...

jtice; said:
hm, that is a neat concept.
Would be easier than hosting or emailing large files.

Only drawback is, the other party has to have that plugin also,
so you may be limited to who you can share things with, unless they are willing to install the plugin also.

I cant wait for Mozilla and Google to take over the world. :devil:

CY, got your email, I am working on it,,, slowly. :p

This does seem handy, but, I am not sure it would have been good for the NGC show.
See, while my uploads are capped and it took me forever to upload it to my site,
after that, you guys could all access my site at the same time, and download it fairly quickly, since my web host was then feeding it to you at a higher speed.

This plugin links our computers like any other peer to peer program, and will only be able to go as fast as our upload caps.
So, if 6 of you tried to get the file off ME at the same time, it would go rather slow.

Put, this should be nice for small files :D

John, once files gets distributed to a few friends... things would speed up. if your host has a fat pipe, then of course that's the easiest way.

I've got DSL which is capped at 764k up and 1.5meg down

just added your second email and share another pic...

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True, once a few ppl are on it at once, it will speed up, afteral it is a torrent system :)
Basically, its just an easier way to host a torrent file, and only let certain ppl have access to it, it seems.

Just got your second attempt with the new email,
that seems to work fine, it was pretty neat, it popped up in the bottom right of FF, and acted like recieving an email.
It had a thumbnail of your pic, and I had options to share, edit, download it, etc.
Seems to be downloading just fine now. Once it was downloaded, I was able to click the thumbnail, and view it full size.
The file was also on my computers hard drive of course.
Neato :p

I will try sending you one now...

cooool... yours popped right up just like a email. tried downloading but was not available..
Sorry about that cy,

I set that up shortly before I had to leave work, and I guess I closed FF before you got it.
I just set it up here on my home computer also, and told it to send you a file.


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