Alpha Reflector Swap


Newly Enlightened
Oct 18, 2020
Has anyone swapped the reflector on the Alpha? I have a ready made and I love the host, but it is floodier than I would like. For my use, something with a tighter hotspot works better. The first step I think is to replace the reflector and if that doesn't help then the emitter.

Does anyone know the size of the reflector and potentially where I can find a smooth reflector to replace it?
The beam shape is affected by the MCE emitter.
The Nichias and the XM-Ls have a tighter hot spot, in that order.
A LED's die size and shape have a great effect, much as OP VS Smooth reflectors.

As seen on Youtube, it's not that hard with a few tools

I'll PM You in weeks with further details
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The beam shape is affected by the MCE emitter.
The Nichias and the XM-Ls have a tighter hot spot, in that order.
A LED's die size and shape have a great effect, much as OP VS Smooth reflectors.

As seen on Youtube, it's not that hard with a few tools

I'll PM You in weeks with further details
Awesom, thank you!
I've tried a heap of LED swaps with the original Ledil and a 20mm TIR optic.
Recently I thought I'd settle on my last effort which was a 519a and a TIR. It was pretty good, best it has been, but I've never been perfectly happy with the light.

My most recent effort is the one I'm happier enough with to keep.
This light has seen infrequent use since I got it many years ago.

Triple Osram:


The Alpha on the left is an original ready made that came with a 2.8A three mode driver with pretty obvious PWM. I've since changed that for a programmable 3A driver but kept the original reflector and LED because they're very nice.

There's a huge difference between the performance of these two.


Above is the TIR I was using previously in the black one with a 519a. Once again there was a big difference between the two but I'm pretty happy with the triple Osram.
View attachment 52237
The Alpha on the left is an original ready made that came with a 2.8A three mode driver with pretty obvious PWM. I've since changed that for a programmable 3A driver but kept the original reflector and LED because they're very nice.

There's a huge difference between the performance of these two.

View attachment 52238
Above is the TIR I was using previously in the black one with a 519a. Once again there was a big difference between the two but I'm pretty happy with the triple Osram.
Why go with Osram over 519a? What Osram Led are you using?
Small die. It's got a heap of punch for a triple with a decent sized spot.
519a would be too floody which isn't what I was after.
The 519a with the TIR was pretty good but the triple Osram is next level even at Icarus drive current.
The light was originally an MCE/Ledil but for some reason not as nice as my ready made (supposed to be the same). Even had a bit of a donut hole in the beam (emitter issue?).

Alphas are weak in cd, and output to an extent.
This is the most impressive I've seen this light.

The Osram lack in CRI but renders very white.
I find in use the CRI not to be an issue and quite like the tint and whiteness.

A stock 4000K 519a/Ledil Alpha is a very different beast to the triple Osram. Both have their pros and cons depending on use but side by side based purely on output and punch, the triple Osram will blow a stock Alpha away.
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Gotcha. I just got the Beta QR3. I notice the 519a is significantly floodier than my QR2 219b which is nice for my use case. I don't if there changes in driver but it looks sightly brighter. I can't believe it's 15lm. The brightness of hotspot looks almost similar side by side but the 519a hotspot is huge.

Yea, The Alpha is floody by design which is great for indoor work. Is the 519a triple W/narrow optics more floody than the Alpha MCE?
Is that a LEO light? Did you mod it yourself?
Is this what you have in the light?
I quite like floody lights and the Alpha/Ledil. I was just after something different for this light.

I haven't tried 519a in a triple but I would estimate the beam to be similar to XPG2 but a bit floodier. I like XPG2 triples.
Compared to each other (MCE/Ledil boom vs 519a triple) at the same drive current, the 519a triple would have a clear edge but we're talking different beams.

My black light is a mil/leo that I bought years ago in the first run. I've modded it several times and this (current mod) is likely what I'll stick with.

Yes, same one (board and LEDs in the picture from my post above).

At close to 3A from an Icarus, isn't a huge amount for a triple, but short of swapping the driver to a H17Fx with a FET channel which I considered, I wanted to get the most punch from a triple while keeping the drive current reasonable for runtimes etc.

I've made some mad quad drop ins that are really impressive but run hot and hungry on unprotected cells. They have plenty of punch flat out but at similar drive currents to the Icarus/Osram triple they're out performed.

I'm happy with the configuration balance wise. I wasn't after a laser like throw with minimal spill but I definitely wanted a lot more cd.
It might not appeal to many Alpha owners, particularly EDC wise where a stock light with its flood and CRI, even tint, may be much preferred.

Long story short I got a more punchy light cd wise and likely more lumens too. Still got a decent sized spot although tighter than most triples and was able to keep the stock driver and more sensible drive currents.
While the Osram triple is tight for a triple, it's still a large spot over any reasonable distance.
Just out of interest, I found a photo (beam shot) of the same light when it had a 4500K 519a with TIR installed.
