An experimental L0D CE 2 AAA


Sep 11, 2002
New York City
I finally managed to get a dual battery tube made for an Fenix L0D CE and it was worth the effort even if it's not really usable except as an experiment.

The tube was a ***** to make, I use some thin wall tubing with a soldered bottom cap. The threads were (badly) cut by a friend at a machine shop, it's pretty messy, the threads aren't quite right and it looks like crap but it works (mostly).

Unfortunately, I don't have the skills or equipment to do a decent job but the head screws on well enough to test with and in my opinion the results are great. Keep in mind that I don't own any test equipment so everything here is just an eyeball measurement.

Alkaline NIMH or Lithium batteries all deliver pretty much the same output as far as I can see but on turbo using Lithiums the head heats up about the same as it does when I use a single 10440. The head barley warms up at all on turbo with Alkalines or NIMH.

So, it would appear that the L0D head is operating well within it's design parameters and is at its best efficiency when running from 2.4 to 3.0 volts. Increase the voltage much beyond that and it looks like efficiency begins to drop off and more power is lost to heat. As far as I can see, the output is essentially the same from 2.4 volts for a pair of NIMH cells all the way up to 3.75 for Lithium with the only difference being how warm the head gets. I suppose it's possible there's more output at the top voltage but it's not very obvious.

Although I haven't performed any formal run-time test, here's some info that may be of some use.

Batteries: 2 Lithium
Start Voltage: 3.72
Mode: High
Usage: Intermittent
Total logged: 151 Minutes
Result: No loss of output over the combined total time
End Voltage: 3.02
Comment: The head was pretty hot much of the time, so I suspect efficiency loss (heat) will nibble away some of the Lithium capacity advantage.

Batteries: 2 NIMH, PowerEX 2300
Start voltage: 2.67
Mode: High
Usage: Intermittent
Total logged: 114 Minutes
Result: Noticeable loss of output at 78 miin.
End voltage: 2.02
Comment: Although dimming is noticeable the light still has ample output on all levels. Solid performance considering that these PowerEX 2300 cells are over 2 years old and rarely cycled.

Batteries: 2 Alkaline
Start Voltage: 3.10
Mode: High
Usage: Intermittent
Total logged: 129 Minutes
Result: No loss of output over the combined total time
End Voltage: 2.63
Comment: It was unexpected, but Alkalines performed just fine here. Perhaps with two cells in the supply to share the load, the usual problem of rising internal resistance at high current levels is reduced?. At any rate, there seems little reason to bother with the self discharge of NIMH or the high cost of Lithiums when cheap Alkalines perform so well.

(This one was just for fun!)

Batteries: "Dollar Store", "Heavy Duty", ? batteries ? (they gurgle when shaken)
Start Voltage: 3.16
Mode: High
Usage: Intermittent
Total logged: 82 Minutes
Result: Very noticeable loss of output by 47 minutes
End Voltage: 2.1
Comment: These batteries maintained high output for just under 50 minutes before the light dropped out of high mode to low. It was maintaining that level when I got tired and dumped the batteries on the trash (where they belonged).

I'm very impressed by the performance of the L0D CE with 2 cheap Alkaline batteries. Here I have a tiny, potent light with output that competes with the best, it fits in any pocket, runs for hours on most any battery combination.

Wish List for a 2 AAA version of the L0D CE with some changes:-

1. Get rid of the strobe and blink modes, these just get in the way
2. Change the mode sequence from "Medium, Low, High" to "Low, Medium High"
3. Double or triple the PWN rate **
4. A good, long pocket clip on the tail

I would really like to see the Strobe and Blink modes disappear. Frankly, I can't see any possible use for either of them and they just get in the way. To much twisting, every time I go to <twist, twist> high for a quick look I have to <twist,twist,twist> to get back to low.

I know it's not likely to happen but if they made it, I'd like the new tube to have a couple of tiny rubber dome buttons or something similar on the flat section of the tube to step the brightness up/down. The buttons would just signal for a mode change not control power, twist on/off does that. I don't know if that's a reasonable wish or not but it seems to me that if a twist can change modes, than it should be easy to add a couple of buttons.

Last, I'd really like to see a doubling or tripling of the PWN rate, it's a problem for service people like me because every time I open a computer or most any device with a fan, the lights PWN makes the fan look like it's running slow, and it's really almost impossible to tell for sure if it is or not. A dying fan or a healthy one can look the same under PWM, so I have to switch to turbo <twist><twist> (no PWN,) then switch back to low (<twist,twist,twist>). Annoying indeed!.

So there you have it; give an L0D CE a dual battery tube, make a couple of minor programming changes and you've got a a tiny shirt pocket light, incredibly powerful when you need it to be, politely dim when you don't and hours of run time on the cheapest of batteries.

It's enough to embarrass a top of the line Surefire.

Hi Al, nice job. :twothumbs I was curious about a 2 aaa L0D CE myself. I think it would be a great idea. It would fit right in your shirt pocket for easy access and it'd be all the light one needs for most occasions.

I remembered seeing your post in this thread and tried this myself on a Mini-Mag. I'd be willing to bet you saw my post and picture in the Homemade and Modified section, but in case you didn't, it's here.

If we could get enough of us here to raise our hands, :wave: :wave: ..maybe we could get the attention of Fenix and they'd come out with one.

I want one. :wave: :sold:
Why doesnt anyone produce a good 2aaa cree like this? The demand is there...
I remembered seeing your post in this thread and tried this myself on a Mini-Mag. I'd be willing to bet you saw my post and picture in the Homemade and Modified section, but in case you didn't, it's here.

I did see your post - nice job!. It pushed me along some to try to improve on my first attempt.

Your right, the test showed me that I would probably not need any other light 99% of the time. I had someone else look at it and his opinion was that on 2aaa's, the L0D is doing about 9-10 lumens on low, about 40-45 on medium and 140+ on high (no actual measurements though). I know it's plenty bright and runs long enough to suit me and with 2+ hours of run time on high, that would cover every need I'm likely to have.

BTW, I'm trying a run out on a set of alkalines on medium using 5 min on 10 min off (as I have time) and logging the cycles. So far more than 3 hours logged with no drop.

You might question the logic of intermittent cycles for run time testing, but I use a light in relatively short bursts. I've never run a new battery set empty in a single pass, so for me this gives a much more accurate prediction of what to really expect even though it's way more trouble to do than a single run to empty.

It would be interesting to do a comparison of intermittent and continuous run time tests just to see how much of a difference there is. My gut feeling (probably wrong) is that intermittent use gives close to double the run time compared to continuous.

I seem to go a long time between battery changes on my work lights, even those that aren't especially efficient like my Surefire L4. The L4 is advertised as having a continuous run time of 60 minutes, but I seem to get more than double that in short bursts of a few second to maybe a minute at a time. A pain to run those tests though.

Good luck with yours!.

This sounds like what I am searching for in another thread. I wonder if there are any other tubes that could be robbed from another light and mated to the Fenix. Maybe Fenix will listen up and make one.

I'd definately be interested in a 2aaa body. A new LOD CE (?LOOD?)per Al's specs would be even better! The only thing I would add would be a clicky switch!

For a 2 AAA light I think a clickie is almost mandatory as well as a pocket clip. Actually the L1D-CE U.I. would be nice to have.

A low low would also be nice (3-4 lumens) and forget about the SOS gimmick.
A 2AAA Cree would be very cool. Pen-like with a clip and the L1D clicky interface (no blinky modes) would be ideal. I'm thinking a floody light would be good since it would probably be used for close inspection. Heavily textured reflector/frosted lens perhaps?

Why doesn't anyone make something like these? *hint, hint FENIX* :wave:

Brings back memories of the old Energizer penlight... just wayyy brighter :)
Some extra body options for the LOD CE would be great. 2 AAA would be cool. I'd really like a 1 AAA body with no split-ring flange to reduce the length a bit and get rid of the sharp corners of the split-ring slot. Even something funky like a 1 AA body. It would look weird with the small head but would make a great option for extra runtime instead of having to buy a whole new AA light.

Speaking of, Al_Havemann... you mentioned above that you used Powerex 2300's which would be AA. Is that correct? Even the latest AAA are only up to ~1000mAh. If those were in fact 2300 mAh Powerex's, I'm kinda surprising that NiMH AA's wouldn't outlast lithium AAA's.
Speaking of, Al_Havemann... you mentioned above that you used Powerex 2300's which would be AA. Is that correct? Even the latest AAA are only up to ~1000mAh. If those were in fact 2300 mAh Powerex's, I'm kinda surprising that NiMH AA's wouldn't outlast lithium AAA's.

Nope - your right on, it's wrong on the post as well since I said they were AAAs (should have read AA) - I used AA's clipped to the head with a switch for that since I didn't have any AAA NIMH's but I did want to see how it would run with 2.4 volts. The 2300s hadn't been used for a couple of years and were never cycled properly, they seemed to take a charge, but I can't say how good they are. It was good enough to test the comparative output, which is what I wanted.

Personally, I don't much care for NIMHs, I know it's a failing, a personal thing, but I just don't have any confidence in them. I might have a light in my briefcase for weeks or months then have the NIMH's fade just when I most need them.

They work good for people who use them hard, but my sporadic, short burst use of a few seconds to maybe a minute or so doesn't do them any good. My lack of confidence would have me always sticking them in the charger where they'd sit for days at a time. I just can't get over that, if I'm going to take a light with me and it's got NIMHs in it, I'll dump them out for a new set of Lithiums or even Alkalines before I go, it's just the way it is with me.

Guess I'm not a very "Green" consumer when it comes to batteries.

Hi Al, you do know about Eneloops & Ray-o-Vac Hybrids don't you?
They hold their charge much much longer. I've found them great for my intermittent use.
Al, I've got some Hybrids in two "hotwire" lights that haven't been charged in at least 4 weeks that are holding at or very slightly above 1.30V

I haven't put them through the acid test of my GPSr yet, but it's coming!
Hi Al, you do know about Eneloops & Ray-o-Vac Hybrids don't you?
They hold their charge much much longer. I've found them great for my intermittent use.

I know about them but I haven't tried them yet. I might not for a while yet either; you see, the L0D CE has kind of spoiled me. If I reach for another light I have to stop and ask myself why. The L0D with 10440's outperforms anything else I can get into my pocket. Even if I carry a couple of spare batteries nothing else even come close for versatility and performance. Heck, I ran a 10440 in it on low for more than 2 hours and still had enough left for a half a minute of high power.

I don't think it's perfect by any means as you see from my post, but what else is there that even comes close at the price?.

Kinda make me worry that if Fenix comes out with a modified version like I want, will that be pretty much the end of collecting for me. I mean, if they do that, how much better can a light really get?.

Good to hear from you.
