Anti-reflective coating , HELP !


Jan 22, 2013
Hey ...

I recently bought Nitecore EA41 Pioneer & i can't clean the lens at all , used micro-fiber cloth , T-shirt , soft tissue .. nothing worked !:shakehead

So what should i do ? already ordered lens-pen ! will this work the best ? :eek:

Nitecore says the light is "Toughened ultra-clear mineral glass with anti-reflective coating" , so the coating from the inside not outside right ? :shrug:

I did something bad , used glasses spray clean but didn't notice that it says safe for all glass, plastic non-reflecting coated lenses !!!!!!!! :eek:oo:

I didn't use that much , you should spray on the lens then wipe it off , i spray small amount on soft tissue & tried cleaning the lens with it , did i harm the lens ?? :confused:

There is a really annoying blurry circle on the lens like doughnut & it's a little green , here is some pics ... :sweat:



Help please
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2011
On the east coast of the yoosah. In the place wher
Breathe on the lens to fog it up . Don't swirl...use each tissue once as if wiping off paint. Once oil and dust make contact, switch to a new tissue with.a smear and lift motion. Repeat until lens is clean. Try your best to gather the grime into one area to swipe off last. On a side note, reflectors can never be cleaned by conventional home remedies so refrain from removing the lens to clean.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 6, 2010
Soap, water and your fingers are still the safest method to remove fat/grime and not scratch the lens. Afterwards dry the lens with a clean, fresh towel. The only problem with this is possibly a little bit of dust from the towl, but you can't avoid this anyhow if you ever actually use the light. Anything made from paper including tissues can possibly damage the coating and should not be used!
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Fumer Tue

Newly Enlightened
Apr 29, 2014
I think you'd better get in touch with nitecore, ask them for a replacement or something before you cause damage to the item. :duh2:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 30, 2014
Fairfax Va
The green doughnut is refraction from the reflector. Nothing wrong at all with using eyeglass spray as it is meant for glare coated lenses including glass. Do NOT use paper towels and especially tissues like Kleenex as a paper towel is likely to scratch the lens and any kind of non lint free tissue will drive you insane due to lint being all over the lens despite your best efforts. What you need is micro cloth first off you can pick up little plastic pouches of micro cloth from any eyeglass shop I advise you get a few. Secondly you can also use rubbing alcohol, try to use much purer rubbing alcohol like 90%. Rubbing alcohol is great for tougher stuff on the lens. Use ONE micro cloth to actually wipe rubbing alcohol around the lens and ANOTHER micro cloth to wipe the lens dry. Hold the light at different angles and observe the lens carefully for anything you may have missed use the micro cloth you used to wipe the lens dry to wipe away any minor things you may have missed.

You should have one clear clean lens at this point but you also have the option of then using eyeglass spray on the lens to get the lens a little clearer. Use different micro cloths for both wiping the eyeglass spray and another micro cloth for wiping it dry. The eyeglass spray is also great for wiping the bevel clean as well. Eyeglass spray is perfectly fine for all glare coated optical quality lenses glass or not and is formulated to be not a harsh cleaner. If eyeglass spray doesnt clean something off your lens then go to the rubbing alcohol. If even that doesnt work there is the option of using acetone. Before you do call the manufacturer first.


Mar 10, 2014
Yeah getting all the oil/grease from your fingers off the window of a flashlight is not a simple task!!

1st find out what kind of window you have. glass/plastic/sapphire/mineral .

if its plastic be very very careful. also some lights have a AR coating on both sides and its very fragile.

I also find using one of those special micro fiber clothes is the best thing after gently washing the window with soap and water and rinsing and drying thorougly . I actualy put on rubber gloves when handling the micro fiber cloth so I dont transfer anything to the cloth. then I use a pulling motionf starting at the center of the window and only use the contact area of the cloth once then I move to a fresh spot for the next swipe.

I have had what you show in the pics in either green blue or purple and it can be frustrating!!!

good luck


Feb 10, 2014
Just to highlight something someone else mentioned, NEVER EVER try cleaning a reflector, even microfibre will scratch it up bad...I learned that the hard way, and same for any camera lens ect, use the proper tools as suggested by the MFG.There is one way to clean a reflector at home, but do it at your own risk, swirl water and soap in a reflector, or use your tongue...eww lol, and then use compressed air to blow dry, never ever touch it with anything, EVER!GoodLuck!