FNinjaP90 said:
As the topic suggests. I would like to use two 3.7V PILA 300S batteries end to end to power a 3.2-3.8V 2A laser module, but instead of running them in parallel, it would be easier to run them in series but with a regulated step down circuit. Is there any driver that could do this?
Fist of all, if use use the batteries in "series" you will limit the availble current, to the laser module, to half of what would be available if the batteries are wired in "parellel".
But if you want the batteries in series, here is an easy, cheapo way to do it.
Measure how much current the array draws, and divide that into the voltage you want to "drop".
In this case you want to drop about 4 volts from the 7.4, leaving 3.4 for the laser module. For example, if the laser module draws 1 amp, Using ohms law (R =E/I) you get 4 volts/1 amp, = 4 ohms. So, putting a 4 ohm resistor in series with the battery and laser module will work for you. And you will need a 5 Watt resistor (P = I x E or 1 x 4 = 4 Watts) to dissapate the heat.
El cheapo yes, will it work, yes, but it isnt super regulated.
But you dont need that.