Any good mods for a LumaPower MRV ??


Newly Enlightened
Mar 25, 2005
near Los Angeles, CA
OK, I have my LumaPower MRV on order from DX. It is in transit, and I have the long wait to think about improving that which I do not even have in my possession ... yet.

What good mods are there for this light? How easy are they to do?

Should I get an OP reflector for it? Should I stick some WriteRight on the inside of the lens instead?

How easy is it to swap-out the emitter? If it is easy, which one should I look for. Just the emitter or one pre-mounted on a star?

Should I revamp the tail switch with D-mini innards?

Did I miss anything?

Or should I just enjoy it as-is

(If only I could stand the waiting)
Eh, I've heard of the D-mini tailcap mod that you mentioned, but that's a personal preference... I'm fine with the high/not-so-high settings that are incorporated into the light - and I'll get a forward clicky when LP releases them. The OP will make the light more useful up close... but I've found that I would rather use a OP D-mini or M3 for close work than my MRV with OP reflector. It wasn't that difficult to swap out the emitter... you've got to drill a small hole in the black centering piece to pry it off, then desolder and pry up the old emitter. You'll need a star-mounted Cree, I'd get a Q5 if you're going to both doing the mod. You'll have to grind down the star though, so make sure you have a file or dremel tool handy. I didn't bother putting the centering piece back once the epoxy dried, I just assembled the light without it and stored it away for the day that the R3 or R4 emitters arrive. :) I think you'll be very pleased with the results... but you should use it "as is" for a while so you appreciate the improvement.

OK, I have my LumaPower MRV on order from DX. It is in transit, and I have the long wait to think about improving that which I do not even have in my possession ... yet.

What good mods are there for this light? How easy are they to do?

Should I get an OP reflector for it? Should I stick some WriteRight on the inside of the lens instead?

How easy is it to swap-out the emitter? If it is easy, which one should I look for. Just the emitter or one pre-mounted on a star?

Should I revamp the tail switch with D-mini innards?

Did I miss anything?

Or should I just enjoy it as-is

(If only I could stand the waiting)