Any Hardy CR2 based Flashlights for a weapon?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 7, 2008
I am thinking of getting a CR2 battery based LED flashlight to mount on a 9mm AR-15 rifle. Since it's 9mm, the recoil is pretty light but nonetheless a hardier light is more appreciated than brightness.

I want a CR2 based light to have battery commonality with a red dot type optic.

I need it to have a 1" diameter to fit on weapon mounts.
FlyPenFly, have you checked out the CR2 Ion from Photons International? What switching mechanism do you require?

Here we go, here is a link to the CR2 Ion replacement... the Aeon, made by CPF member Endeavor
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Clicky would be great. What's the body diameter on the utlrafire and where can I buy the Aeon?
I don't suppose the ultrafire wf-606a will meet your needs?

The WF-606a has a reverse clicky but it can be swapped with the forward clicky of the Romisen RC-G2 and apparently works well too! I tried to find the link but can't now.
Unfortunately, all the light mounts for piccatinny rails require a 1" body.
I believe you can find mounts smaller than 1". I know I have recently seen a mount for 16-19mm (~0.62-0.75") lights. It sticks in my memory because of the variable sizing.
Unfortunately, all the light mounts for piccatinny rails require a 1" body.

and why my friend do you want a CR2 light? Especially when you are moving away from the cylindrical form factor with the RC-G2 and Ultrafire 606?

You should be better setup like this

Hope I was of help, Kostas

ETA. there might be a chance you could place a WF-501 tape switch in the 606 tailcap...but I do not have my 606 handy to check for you...
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I have a source for good 3/4" diameter light/laser picatinny mounts if anyone is curious pm me.
We stock 3/4" picatinny mounts:

CR2 lights are pretty few and far beween...if you find a CR123A light you like you can probably mod it (battery tube) to run on CR2's but be careful to find one that runs at a low enough current that you don't exceed the safe discharge rates for the CR2 battery.