Any Singapore flashlight nuts?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 4, 2007
Singapore, NY,SH,BJ
I remember posting long ago, maybe almost a decade ago to meetup with any flashaholics which materialised a night hike. Fast forward to today and it's a sad state of affairs haha. I think people end up with families and responsibilities or just lose interest in night activities. Certainly it didn't help with the government going actively against night hikes groups in forums like Meetup. Even the local flashlight dealer group chat has died out and I know people are worried about government spies in the chat.
Are we extinct now ? Bueller?
Maybe the government is concerned about covert spies, and thinks that greatly discouraging night hikes will limit such activity. Just a thought....
Certain parks are closed at night. Most of them unless it's a city park. An argument would be an ecological decision to not disturb the nocturnal animals in addition to casuals getting lost or going off trail and they have to send in people to look for them. so it's wasted resources if kids thought there was a vending machine in the middle of the woods and they weren't prepared for the dark etc
in the past, I felt it was a grey area that it's not allowed but also not enforced. kind of like j walking which everyone does. but I felt it getting worse as the years gone by. one park I used to frequent at night I now see cameras everywhere. they installed cameras within a nature area powered by solar.
they do have a saying in which "do what you want and just don't get caught" which is taught during military service of singaporean males. but it's harder not to get caught nowadays.
I remember in the past there would be night hike outings that could go 40-60 people. it was nuts. sometimes visiting an old British war ruins off trail. those things are dreams now. I remember them going after the leaders of these meetup clubs and some had to go to court.
but yeah the group chats have gone silent. I remember talking to a guy who was playing with lights near my area that I was asking questions like where they go what lights do they use etc which was very cordial at the beginning but went cold and I think because he doesn't know me personally and I was asking too many question and he probably got suspicious thinking I may be government worker acting as a "spy" to get info for illegal activity. and yes ive been told in hikes before people thought I was a "spy" because I am not Singaporean which actually I think doesn't make sense. but that's the thought process of people who want to explore the night with lights. they have to be careful who to trust but I feel that it suppresses the activity.
I think one of the silver linings of the pandemic was that a lot of people got into hiking including at night as there was nothing to do but that cooled off by now.
I remember (and just tracked down, unfortunately the pics no longer show) a post by pjandyho from the good old CPF days.
This post (Nov 9, 2011) was about a group of guys night trekking in Singapore and playing with their lights (McGizmo, HDS etc). Cool post, sad news about James though.

It's unfortunate (I could think of some other choice words) that the government has such a stance against these activities.
I wish you all the best, freedom and peace in Singapore.