Anyone tried to mod Nitecore EZAA


Newly Enlightened
May 2, 2010

I own one of these tiny little Nitecore EZAA R2 flashlights.
It uses the XP-E R2 LED.
I really like the impressive output of 145 Lumens on high and also the ability to switch from high to low quickly back and forth.
Unfortunatelly mine has a very bluish tint compared to my other flashlights :mecry:

I have thought about modding it with a new LED, ideally with one of the soon to come Cree XP-G R4 neutral whites.
With this mod I could achieve three things:
- Much more pleasant tint
- More overall light output
- A bigger hotspot with more spill (I personally don't like the extreme tight hot-spot for a small EDC light)

My question now is:
Has anybody ever tried to open the head of the flashlight? I really don't want to destroy this nice little flashlight....
How is the LED attached to the heatsink? Is it possible to remove the LED and bring the new one right in place?

Thanks for your answers and good night (it's half past midnight here in Germany....)
Just to let you know.... Once the head is opened, you void the warranty :eek:

That's why I wanted to know from any of the more experienced modders here in CPF if it is safe to open the head of the light.

When the head is glued and won't go off without serious damage, then I'll leave the light like it is.
If the light can be opened very easily then I would just have a try....

It won't be easy to open the head without damaging something. If you just want to swap the emitter for a neutral tint take a look at the MP there are still some neutral EZAAs around.

If you just want to swap the emitter for a neutral tint take a look at the MP there are still some neutral EZAAs around.
I'd be very interested in having this done too if I hadn't got ahold of a few of the EZAAw's but you'll probably be able to find one in the MarketPlace and sell yours as is for a lot less heartache.

The only way I could love my EZAAw more would be to have a 3rd output level ala the Ra Twisty, and a real low level.
I may have gotten lucky, but my EZAA (with the lastest R2 XP-E) came apart pretty easily with a couple strap wrenches.

I reflowed a neutral XP-G onto the stock board, added a glow ring, now I have a very cool, upgraded EZAA. I had to put a thicker o-ring in the base of the head though as the glow ring added to much thickness and I needed to take up the slack at the bottom of the head.