Last Fall I was starting to think of a gift for a good friend on mine & his family for Christmas . He has helped me on some projects & always there for you (or anyone for that matter)
Just didn't want to give him a flashlight & something for the rest of the family.
Had a few good ideas but nothing concrete.
One day I was looking at used stuff on B&H & stumbled across a spotting scope that was an incredible deal & was rated at Condition 10.
Now I trust B&H on condition levels for sure.
Looking at this scopes description, I noticed that it used standard 1.25" telescope eyepieces,, this was new to me & after looking into it I was super intrigued.
The eyepieces are where all the technology is in optics, gives you you eye relief & field of view.
Now I'm really intrigued because this mirrors P60 drop-ins for flashlights, in that you can always upgrade & try different things.
The excitement is now on 10 for me & I purchases the scope, hoping it was in good condition
The scope arrived and I don't think it was ever used, I mean I think it was brand new.
So now I knew exactly what my buddy & his family are getting,,, the decision was immediate.
I also purchases them a fixed magnification eyepiece that used ED glass ( it came out to around 32X magnification factoring in focal lengths ect..)
Had a new Tripod so I was going to include that.
Being a different cat, I called him & asked if he would be willing to go $100 bucks on a gift for his family (I know that sound really odd, but this was a huge gift)
He was hesitant, but also knows I'v never done him wrong.
Now intrigued himself, he said yes.
I dropped off the big 'Family Gift' & they didn't open it up right away. Days later I called & asked what they thought, he said they they were waiting till Christmas & were dying to open it,,, I said "open it & call me back"
Put it this way,, when he called me back he was nearly hyperventilating with excitement & was really at a bit of a loss for words.
I asked if he was still good w/ the $100,
you should have heard his reply...
**My friend works two jobs, now he can sit out on his beautiful two tier deck with his family, the deck
he made himself
& look at the stars, moon, Sasquatch on the edge of the forest couple miles away,, anything.