I purchased this Arc AAA-P just over a month ago. I have used it between one and four times per day for no more than a minute or two per instance. Earlier this evening, I whipped out my "trusty" (no longer!) Arc when my wife and I were walking back from the neighbor's house (next door). I turned on the light and it seemed dim. After a second I realized it must be in "moon mode". I'm fairly certain I haven't used the light for the advertised 5 hours, but maybe since its new I have been playing with it more than I thought (I admit this is possible).
Anyway, by the time we arrive home (about 100 feet away) the light was so dim we couldn't see much of anything. Since this is my first "moon mode" I just thought this was the amount of light to be expected. I shut the light off, waited a second, and turned it back on. Nothing (literally zero light). Then I switched the battery for a freshie, and the light is as bright as it was new. So moon mode lasted about 3 minutes (or less).
Here is where is gets interesting! About a week ago I bought a Fenix E0 as backup, in case I lose the Arc. I love having a good tiny light, and the Fenix is a VERY similar configuration for half the price. I popped the duracell that came with my Arc into my brand new E0 and WOW, light! The Fenix appears to be in moon mode, as its not as bright as with a fresh cell, but it runs great, maintains consistent brightness, and this is with a cell that is 100% dead in the Arc.
Here is my question. Is my Arc defective? I swapped the cells back and forth a few times. The Arc won't run at all on its original duracell, yet the Fenix will take this battery and run with a usable amount of light, on the same cell.
Since this is the first battery in my Arc, can someone please tell me if this behavoir is expected? Fenix states a 9 hour moon mode, while Arc doesn't specify moon mode duration, from what I have read. Does Fenix just have superior electronics or is my Arc defective?
Anyway, by the time we arrive home (about 100 feet away) the light was so dim we couldn't see much of anything. Since this is my first "moon mode" I just thought this was the amount of light to be expected. I shut the light off, waited a second, and turned it back on. Nothing (literally zero light). Then I switched the battery for a freshie, and the light is as bright as it was new. So moon mode lasted about 3 minutes (or less).
Here is where is gets interesting! About a week ago I bought a Fenix E0 as backup, in case I lose the Arc. I love having a good tiny light, and the Fenix is a VERY similar configuration for half the price. I popped the duracell that came with my Arc into my brand new E0 and WOW, light! The Fenix appears to be in moon mode, as its not as bright as with a fresh cell, but it runs great, maintains consistent brightness, and this is with a cell that is 100% dead in the Arc.
Here is my question. Is my Arc defective? I swapped the cells back and forth a few times. The Arc won't run at all on its original duracell, yet the Fenix will take this battery and run with a usable amount of light, on the same cell.
Since this is the first battery in my Arc, can someone please tell me if this behavoir is expected? Fenix states a 9 hour moon mode, while Arc doesn't specify moon mode duration, from what I have read. Does Fenix just have superior electronics or is my Arc defective?