Are surefire LEDs Potted?


Feb 13, 2009
I just heard of the term ''potting" while in the modifications section. Can someone explain what it is, and what is the purpose of doing so? (its something like sealing the LED boards, right?):thinking: I tried searching, came up with nothing specific...

-also which (if any) Surefires have this? (specifically g2l, e1b and e2dl)

Thanks very much!!
IIRC, Potting is filling the empty space where a LED's driver is with epoxy, making it more water resistant, and shock absorbant. I know the higher end models are potted (ie. >$150)
Would this sealant change the temperature of the driver? (causing it to heat up faster?)
depends on the thermal resistance property of the epoxy, if the driver edge is mounted close to a metal surface and thermal epoxy is used, it might actually be beneficial to the driver...but most likely it would cause a bottleneck in heat dissipation or simply thermal isolation.

Not many driverboards [below 700ma] exhibit any significant heat that, unless heatsinked, would impede its function...especially for boost [step-up] circuits.
Thanks for the quick responses! I'm still unsure about my lights, are they potted? Does it really matter? Thanks.
I thought that refers to hotwire bulbs offering a special lamp socket,
opposed to the "usual" bi pin setup
Based on having a cpl of the executive series of SF led lights and reading a cpl threads on those who have succesfully opened them for modding and such, I believe the Exec series are NOT potted.

I always just assumed potting was mostlly beneficial but I can see what Illum the Nation is saying and how those factors could play a role in efficient operation of the light .
The few SF lights I've seen the internals of are not potted. That said, they're built in such a way that the emitter and the board(s) are tightly held in place. I don't think there is a need for potting.
probably lacquer added to prevent shorting from metal abrasions during or after assembly...does it look shiny?
'A conformal coating is a very thin layer of material applied onto printed circuits or other electronic substrates. It provides environmental and mechanical protection to significantly extend the life of the components and circuitry. Conformal coatings are traditionally applied by dipping, spraying or simple flow coating, and increasingly by select coating or robotic dispensing.

Conformal coatings protect electronic printed circuit boards from moisture and contaminants, preventing short circuits and corrosion of conductors and solder joints. They also minimize dendritic growth and the electromigration of metal between conductors. In addition, the use of conformal coatings protects circuits and components from abrasion and solvents. Stress relief is also provided, as well as protection of the insulation resistance of the circuit board.'
:bumpit: Thread bump!

Hi. I just had my G2L with KX4-BKHA head's LED burn out, just happened when I was working and left it on for around 20min.
Yeah I know, bummer, these heads are supposed to provide better heat sinking capabilities compared to the first Gen G2 LEDs but there it was, a brownish black spot on the center of the SSC phosphor.
Anyway, I opened up the guts and saw that the electronics had some sort of hard, clear sealant on them, not just a coat but thicker, maybe more than a millimeter.

Does this qualify as potting?

I'd like to know if you see this on newer models too, I see where it can really enhance durability and maybe resistance to damage if ever water seeps in the light.