are these rebadged Eneloops?

Hi Bushman

The Blue Planet are Rechargeable Alkalines and they have a reducing output with each charge according to my daughter when she used a similar type with her Canon camera. :thumbsdow I gave her a set of Costco eneloops and she gave the alkalines to a neighbor after 8 charges. She said eneloop gets her 450 plus pics versus the 30 to 50 depending on mode with the rechargeable Alkies.

The Duraloops I have are in a different packaging and reads: DURACELL RECHARGEABLE PRE-CHARGED. NiMH 1.2/2000mah printed on the side of the battery.

Cheers, marlite
The Duraloops I have are in a different packaging and reads: DURACELL RECHARGEABLE PRE-CHARGED. NiMH 1.2/2000mah printed on the side of the battery.

Cheers, marlite

awesome, thanks for the info! :twothumbs
Bushman5, check the canada good deals thread in CPFMP, there's a couple deals on Eneloops and Duraloops right now. has 4xAAs for $10.99 shipped until July 10 and Shoppers Drug Mart has the 4xAA/AAA Duracell pre-charged (the white tops are Duraloops) on sale for $6.99 on July 12-13. YMMV at Shoppers though, they have mixed stock of black tops and white tops if they've even got them. The last time they were on sale for $7.77 the 3 SDMs near my house didn't have any 4xAA packs left.

And just an FYI, the white-top Duracell pre-charged, Sony Cycle Energy blue (NCIX carries these), and President's Choice pre-charged (SuperStore/Loblaws) are all re-branded eneloops that you can find in Canada. I've got all of these except for the PC brand ones because they're never on sale. I usually check for Eneloop/rebrands sales and can usually get them on sale for about $10 for 4-pack. Just look for the 3 main Eneloop indicators, 1) 2000mAh capacity, 2) retains 85% charger after 1 year, and 3) Made in Japan (on the battery wrapper, not the cardboard backing card because that is sometimes incorrect).