Backordered KL-1 Ship Tomorrow

That's backordered as in to individual customers? Would you happen to know about dealers? We're dyin' waiting for ours out here in Hawaii!
I think dealers backorders went out last week.
That's when sableco got theirs.
I ordered from Strategos, but they are all shipped directly from SureFire. So, I guess mine is going out the same time. Can't wait... (to start using some of those older 123s)
The Kl3's have been shipped to the dealers. SableCo got their KL3's a couple of days ago. I'm waiting on mine. I though it would be here today.
No such luck
I have both 2 KL1's and a KL3 ordered from Strategos. Strategos offers free shipping on orders > $50. I wonder what they'll do with my KL1's -- It would be my typical luck that they might wait for the KL3.
Originally posted by lemlux:
I have both 2 KL1's and a KL3 ordered from Strategos. Strategos offers free shipping on orders > $50. I wonder what they'll do with my KL1's -- It would be my typical luck that they might wait for the KL3.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I've got the same order with them and they told me that it should ship on 11/01.