Batman and superman .......


Sep 17, 2006
Based on a True Incident and it location at Bangalore Airport.


Airport Security: "What's your Name?"

Passenger: "Batman"

Airport Security: "Your real name please?"

Passenger: "My name is Bat-Man"

Airport Security: "Are you trying to be funny? What is your family name?"

Passenger: "Superman"

Airport Security handcuffs him & puts him into a locked security room.

Then they checked his Passport and Identity Card.




jus a gd joke i seen and share with u all ........
My patrol sergeant related the story of a fight he had broken up between two kids one day. He asked their names and the one gave his. The other one mumbled. The officer explained they were not in any real trouble and the kid still mumbled. This went on until the deputy got mad. Nearly in tears and trying to explain that he was not being a trouble maker, he finally gave his name.
Joe Blow.
He grew up to be a petty crook and con man. With a name like that what else could he do?
I had a friend back in high school named Fred. Although believable, it still can be a funny situation telling a police officer when you get in trouble with a dirt bike being in a no trespassing place.

I should name my first daughter, Kisses. That way, when shown in a roll call list at school with last name/first name, it would say "Hirschi, Kisses". I'm terrible. :crackup:

Ever heard of "John Bytheway"? Great speaker. Great name.
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Here is a list of doctor's names. Dr Fillerup was a local Chico, Ca doctor and I'll let you guess where on the list his name appeared.
yrs back while i was working for british telecom singapore .....

had a fellow colleague , whose last name is ...... " bird " ....


but he is no pusher ... standing at slightly more than 6 and a half foot tall and weighs abt 350 + lbs i think ..... , he looks huge, even though i am 5'10" 280lbs ... :oops:
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there's a Dr. Randy Fox around here. In some dialects, randy equates to horny, or something of that nature.

This doc was an OB-GYN in the slummy area of nashville