(Beamshots) Nitecore Extreme/D-I vs D-mini vs Jetbeam Jet-I vs EagleTac P10C/P10A


Newly Enlightened
Sep 1, 2008
Pictures have been resized to 800 pixels. Let's see if this is working.
P10A using 14500

P10A using 14500 Zoomed

P10A2 2xAA

P10A2 2xAA Zoomed

P10C2 with two CR123A

P10C2 with two CR123A Zoomed

P10C with one CR123A

P10C with one CR123A zoomed

P10A using NiMH

P10A using NiMH Zoomed

You still can't see them them, go to the blog here: bam-boo.cc/sfs6/sfs6_diary
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2 points about those pics: first, do you have the owner's permission to use them? And second, they are too large for this forum. The CPF maximum is 800 x 800 pixels, and these are 1024 x 728.

Assuming you have permission to use them, they will need to be resized.
Hm, I must've gotten in here just a little too late. Pics no longer there, just a cryptic shell of a post.

Mercenaries, thanks for posting whatever that was. I'd love to see you either resize the pics (I use Irfanview [freeware] to do that), or post links to pics elsewhere; or if they came from somewhere else, post a link to wherever you found them. Was looking for info relating to EagleTac. Really hoping to see some outdoor beamshot comparisons on these sometime in the near future...

As a sidenote, to those planning on taking beamshots (I plan to as well, and am in no way ordering up something like a patron or a restaurant), I find beamshots of detailed things like especially bushes, also houses, to really point out how much detail a light really lets you see, vs just 'lighting something up', which I discovered through experience can be different (tint, brightness, spill/throw, etc).

Thanks in advance, I enjoy your posts.

PS I didn't know the max pic size either... was gonna ask but I guess I don't need to now :sick2:
According to the advertisement Eagletac is "the best built flashlight in the world", so I don't think we really need beamshots, do we.
I'm glad you took the shots - I haven't seen any posted yet. Looking forward to you to finish resizing...

According to the advertisement Eagletac is "the best built flashlight in the world", so I don't think we really need beamshots, do we.

quite a few brands make claims like that. Although I prefer those that don't, it seems like too many people to ridicule...

Besides, eagletac has already earned my respect for having both the highest output and best efficiency of a single CR123A light (see light-reviews.com). IMHO, that excuses unproven and unlikely bragging...
We have a winner!

Thanks, Mercenaries!!

BTW good thing you posted those, b/c the original site is down at this writing.

Other ppl are selling them now, btw, though it appears no one currently has the 18650 one, the T10L.

Looks like 4sevens snapped up http://www.eagletac-store.com

and someone else selling them:

Good to see those beamshots. I'll be searching for more. And let me say that nothing beats outdoor shots, especially with shrubs/hedges to show what detail is (or is not) really illuminated by a torch.
To me, the EagleTac looks the brightest. They also reviewed quite well at lightreviews. Maybe we have a real contender here. I look forward to seeing more reviews and feedback.
2 thoughts:

That eagletac looks bright, I'll have to look into them

The dark ring on the nitecore extreme is very noticeable which is a bit of a disappointment because I hoped it's bigger reflector would smooth things out compared to my EX10.