"Artifacts" are imperfections in the light circle when shone upon a wall. True outside you won't notice. I have never even thought twice about it with a malkoff. He used to offer stippled reflectors, that makes a perfect circle of light, no artifacts. If you can't find one I'm sure somebody here could make you one out of a stock mag reflector or you could get an aluminum stippled one. You lose the cam, so the quick focus is gone, but I believe you can still focus the beam by turning the head. I'll have to go try, mine are perfect to me so I haven't messed with em. Haha. You're best to go with the highest number of cells the dropin is designed for. Some are 2-4 cells for example, on 2 they'll run lower power, at 4 they shine full strength. Gene is great about answering questions if you have any, plus he's sold a majillion of em here so there's plenty of experience to help you out.
edit: if you go with the triple, you won't worry about artifacts, it's a 3x flood monster. I've been waiting for one to come available when I have the money lol.