Betalight Torch: Mystery NSN 6260-99-695-3582


Newly Enlightened
Apr 12, 2009
gent, belgium
Does anyone know more about this NSN 6260-99-695-3582?

It's marked on some Betalight torches from SRBT; maybe it's a production error (likely), or a truely different batch.

The only (common) NSN I can find on the net is the NSN also visible in this thread: 6260-99-965-3582 (see also here for NSN list). This seems to be the "standard" NSN for this item.

I was wondering from what batch the 695 comes; how much lights were made; who else has the same NSN; when it was made; anything that adds information to this NSN.



for pictures about the NSN, see here.
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Yes....or at least SOME of us! Alex, I looked on the front of the light and see----"BETALIGHT TORCH"!!!! What next???:thinking:

Yes....or at least SOME of us! Alex, I looked on the front of the light and see----"BETALIGHT TORCH"!!!! What next???:thinking:

If it's a SRBT type (see picture in a link in first post), then look around the base where the ring is attached. (On the base itself there is a radiation trefoil.)


Ps - don't forget to have also a look at this thread.
Mine has also a 965 NSN. Don't know what else to tell you. In almost total darkness, it provides a very faint lighting to make out silhouettes of objects near me so I don't trip over it and check that my son is sleeping all right. I'm pretty sure it's not intended for this kind of use, but it allows me to check on him without turning on the light. Other than that, it makes a great soft glowing night light where I use one of those white translucent 35mm film containers to disperse the beta light emission.
Well, I haven't had any reaction from the manufacturers. I suspect that this whole tritium torch business is questionable: not wanting to answer such questions means one needs to hide things from the daylights.
I bought the 965 from penrith survival and it is decent. $118 shipped not so bad . The only brighter trit I can find is the awesome 18MM spheres sold over on CPFMP .Military is the manufacturer's number one customer.I contract to and work on carrier lines for the US. The nondisclosure agreement is scary I assume that's why you don't get much from them.